Technology Apple

How to Make a Flash Drive for an iPod Third Generation

    • 1). Turn off your iPod 3G and insert the tip of your case opener tool in the seam where the front half of the iPod meets the back half.

    • 2). Work your way around the sides of the iPod until the two halves separate. Don't pull the halves completely apart as they are still connected via an orange cable.

    • 3). Unplug the cable from its port in the front half of the iPod and set the back half aside. Notice the large square hard drive in the front half of the iPod.

    • 4). Lift the hard drive up and unplug the thick orange hard drive ribbon from its port on the iPod main board. Set the hard drive aside.

    • 5). Plug your Flash card into the Ziff adapter (available from most electronics stores) and place the Ziff adapter in the hard drive's place.

    • 6). Plug the adapter ribbon cable into the port in the iPod and reverse the steps for reassembly.

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