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Sense and Style in Bamboo Shades

There is nothing more beautiful than bringing an exotic look to your space. This is one of the main factors why consumers are becoming more passionate in using bamboo shades for their doors and windows.

Bamboos are a type of grass that grows to a full length on its first year. It usually lasts for 7-8 years and after which it undergoes a natural decay to allow for new culms to grow. Bamboos reach their maximum strength between their third and fifth years during which they become ideal for harvests. Bamboo is capable of renewing at a faster rate compared to its depletion. For this reason, there is no need to worry about any negative effects associated with bamboo usage. The use of bamboo is done in such a way that it does not bring any damaging results to the environment around it.

Bamboo as a traditional material for a piece of functional artistry has been evident in the Eastern countries of Asia. In Korea, the use of bamboo is widely linked with secrecy. During the ancient times, Korean women married to dynasty kings used to stay behind bamboo shades while their husbands hold conference with other men. Korean culture has put so much emphasis on women faces being hidden from men. Staying behind the bamboo shades made it possible for the women to hear the ongoing talk while remaining hidden from the sight of men. Even today, Koreans use of bamboo is associated with the same reasons of privacy. The use of bamboo shades is traditionally linked with the idea that 'it makes it possible for the owner to know what is happening in the outdoor while keeping the privacy within indoors".

Bamboo shades can be custom-made. The differences of window sizes are easily addressed through custom-fitting. Many bamboo products shops offer this kind of service. Customers can stop worrying about finding the right size to properly fit their windows and doors. Many bamboo shops also offer express made bamboo shades. Some shops can offer as fast as 3-4 working days to finish the project, including shipping if within the area.

To know whether to go for a custom fit or stock fit, it may be necessary to consider certain things. If you are planning to go for an outside mount, without black-out liners, a one-of-a-kind style, and perfect fit, then it is advisable that you for custom fit. Inside mount may necessitate for some professional judgment and estimates. Liners are an additional purchase which allows you to have more privacy and minimize the brightness in your room. As bamboo is a natural material, light can easily penetrate into the place resulting to a brighter space.

The use of bamboo shades gives that luxurious look to your space without the luxurious cost. A piece of this beautiful craft can be purchased for as low as less than half a hundred dollars. Bringing a piece of this natural beauty adds a unique sense of style to your place that is incomparable and unmatched.

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