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How to Remove an Automotive Dent

    • 1). Take a rubber plunger, like one you would use in a bathroom, or a large suction cup and moisten the edges of the rubber with a little water. Put the plunger over the dent and push in to get suction and then pull out toward you. Give it a couple of tries to see if it will remove the dent.

    • 2). Find a flat piece of metal that is close in size to the dent you are trying to remove. Wrap the flat piece of metal in a rag or cloth. This will prevent it from scratching your paint. Have someone hold the wrapped piece of metal on the outside of the car where the dent is located.

    • 3). Use a hammer with a flat end to bang the dent out from the underside. Make sure the wrapped piece of metal is on the other side of where you are hammering. Start your hammering on the shallow ends of the dent and work toward the deeper parts of the dent. This helps keep you from overworking the metal. Be careful not to hammer where there were no dents as you may create a new dent.

    • 4). Look for a paintless dent removal specialist in your area to remove any stubborn dent that you can't get out yourself. Ask friends and colleagues for a referral if you do not know where any of these types of shops are located in your area.

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