How to Reduce Latency in "World of Warcraft"
- 1). Reduce the game's latency by editing your registry. Begin by pressing the "Start" button of your computer and click on the "Search Programs and files" box. Type in "cmd" in the box. When the command window opens, enter "ipconfig" without the quotation marks and then press the "Enter" key on your keyboard. Scroll to see your IP address.
- 2). Write down the "IPV4 address" if you are using a connection going to your Ethernet port, or the "WLAN adapter wireless network connection" if you are using a wireless connection.
- 3). Press the "Start" button again and type "regedit" on the search box and press "Enter" to open the window. Go to "Computer" or "My Computer" and click the "C" drive and go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces" and then look for your IP address near the "DhcpDefaultGateway." Open the subfolder to look for your IP address. Right-click in any of these folders and then select "New." Choose "DWORD (32-Bit) Value" and name it as "TcpAckFrequency." Change the value data 0 into 1, and then click on the "OK" button and restart the computer.
- 4). Reduce "World of Warcraft" latency by directly launching the game. Open it by going to "Computer" or "My Computer" on your desktop. Click on the "C" drive and go to the "Program Files (x86)" and then click on "World of Warcraft" and "Wow.exe." Close any other applications and Internet browsers before starting the game. Opening World of Warcraft in this manner will reduce the latency caused by the launcher trying to automatically download updates.