Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Kill Cut Ants

    • 1). Observe the ants before you take action. The best way to eliminate an ant problem is to go straight to the source, the nest. Watch the ants to note not only where their regular "runs" are, but also to determine where the actual nest is located. Once you know what parts of your house or yard to target, then get ready to take some serious action.

    • 2). Mix up a poisonous solution of baby powder and pepper powder. Use the same amount of each powder.

    • 3). Spread the pepper-and-baby powder mix along and across any areas that the ants frequently pass by. Ants that come into contact with this mixture will die, as will any that carry it back to the nest. If you know the location of the nest, fill up all visible holes with this powdered mixture as well.

    • 4). Mix up a strong soap solution in your spray bottle. Use 1 cup of soap and 1 cup of water. You will end up with a strong, sudsy mixture that you can spray.

    • 5). Douse the ants with your soap spray. Soak the nest, and spray down visible ants as well as their trails. The soap will kill them on contact.

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