Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Enrichment Gardening Ideas


    • A lighting system in the garden can be practical as well as aesthetic. Use lighting to illuminate foot paths or to spotlight specific plants to showcase. You can design the lighting system to show off your garden at night if you like to sit out on the patio, especially since nighttime gardens are very fragrant. A lighting system can be quite complex with a variety of different spotlights and footpath lights, or it can be as simple as stringing some small lights in trees. You can even use solar-powered lights for an environmentally-friendly light source.

    Water Feature

    • Add a water feature to further enrich your garden and take it beyond the norm of plants and flower beds. Water features have can have two functions, as they not only produce an enjoyable visual feature but can also be used as part of an irrigation system. Water features can provide a focal point to a section of the garden and help to attract wildlife. Several water feature options include a vanishing edge pond, stairway fountain, pond niche, orb fountain, half moon pond, bubbling containers, spa, deck fountain or even a pool.


    • Garden enrichment can also be taken literally, referring to enriching the soil before planting. Products are added to the soil to make it very healthy and ensure plenty of vitamins and minerals are available for plant growth. If you do not enrich the soil every few years, the plants can strip soil of all the healthy nutrients. Some common soil enrichment products include compost, fertilizer, peat, vermiculite, enzymes, worms and manure.

    Attract Animals and Insects

    • Chose specific flowers and plants to attract animals. You can plant gardens specifically for butterflies, humming birds or specific insects such as bumble bees. Do a little research to uncover which plants and flowers attract the specific species. This wildlife can be a great addition to your garden and very beneficial to plants. Plants that attract hummingbirds include honeysuckle, mimosa and lantana. Plants that attract butterflies include asters, coreopsis, hibiscus and coneflowers.

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