Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Open Gladiolus Blooms

    • 1). Measure enough water to hold the gladiolus stems halfway in as you harvest the flowers. Pour the water into a pan and heat it to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Transfer the lukewarm water to a bucket.

    • 2). Go out to the garden with a sharp knife and your bucket of heated water early in the morning or in the evening.

    • 3). Harvest gladiolus stems with a maximum of three blooms open. Cut the stems at a 45-degree angle.

    • 4). Place the flower stalk in the bucket of warm water immediately after cutting it. When you finish collecting gladiolus, set the bucket with the flowers in a cool and dark place for three hours.

    • 5). Arrange the gladiolus in a flower vase filled with cold tap water. Its blooms will continue to open from top to bottom. Prune and discard the flowers as they die. Change the water in the vase every day. Trim 1 inch off the cut end at a 45-degree slant every other day.

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