Health & Medical Lose Weight

Exercise For Weight Loss

When we think of losing weight, we think most of restricting or cutting calories.
What many people overlook, though, is exercise for weight loss.
Exercise is a very important part of losing weight.
Why is it then that so many of us just don't get any exercise? We spend a great deal of time on the computer, driving in our cars, and basically sitting around on our backsides.
What we have forgotten, as a society is that exercise is one of the most important things we can do to stay healthy.
There are a certain amount of calories that your body burns every day in order to keep your body functioning.
In order to lose weight, you need to create a deficit of 3,500 calories per week, or 500 calories per day.
For many people, this is just not something that they can do.
They feel hungry all the time and then they will "binge" and eat all of the calories that they cut out plus more.
If you add exercise to a healthier eating plan, you can create a calorie deficit of 250 calories per day which is 1,750 calories per week.
This equates to a loss of about ½ pound per week.
In addition to losing a pound every two weeks, you will create lean muscle mass with exercise and lean muscle mass burns calories.
The more lean muscle mass you create, the more calories you burn.
If you can find a way to eliminate or burn 250 to 500 calories per day, you are well on your way towards your goal.
Here are a few simple tips to jumpstart your weight loss: oTake the stairs instead of the elevator (unless of course you work on the 80th floor).
If you do work on the 80th floor, get off at the 78th floor and take 2 flights of stairs.
oDrink water instead of juice or pop.
oGet enough sleep.
It is essential to your health and well being.
In fact, not getting enough sleep may even cause you to gain weight.
oEat more often and eat smaller meals.
Don't starve yourself all day and then eat one large meal for dinner.
It is important to limit your portions so that your body has a chance to burn the calories you take in.
oBreakfast really is the most important meal of the day.
Don't skip it.
Remember that you can't lose all the weight that you have put on in two weeks or two months.
The rule of thumb is 2 pounds per week for safe and permanent weight loss.

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