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How do I Replace a Blower Motor on a 1999 Mazda Protege?

    • 1). Open the front passenger's side door on your Protege. Position yourself so that you can peer underneath the dashboard.

    • 2). Locate your car's blower motor. The top of the blower motor looks like an upside down metal canteen cup. On the left side of the motor, you should also see a cooling tube. It connects to the HVAC housing at one end and to the blower motor on the other.

    • 3). Disconnect the cooling tube from the HVAC housing by pulling downward on the tube. Your new blower motor should come with a cooling tube already attached to it.

    • 4). Unplug the blower motor's wiring harness. If the space is too tight, lower the glove compartment door.

    • 5). Remove the three bolts from around the blower motor's base plate with your socket wrench. Carefully lower the blower motor from its position in the HVAC housing and discard it.

    • 6). Raise your new blower motor up into position beneath the dashboard. Insert it into the HVAC housing in the same exact position and orientation as the old blower motor.

    • 7). Support the blower motor with one hand. Use your free hand to thread all three of its mounting bolts. Tighten the bolts as tight as you can by hand. Secure the bolts in place with your socket wrench.

    • 8). Plug in the blower motor's wiring harness. Shut the glove box if you opened it. Push the new cooling tube onto its connection on the HVAC housing. Start your Protege's engine and check the functionality of the new blower motor.

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