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How to Install a SquirrelMail Theme

    • 1). Access your web server's file directory using your preferred FTP, SFTP or SCP client. Contact your web host for a list of supported applications if you are not sure what protocols they support or what client should be used.

    • 2). Open your SquirrelMail folder, navigate to the "themes" directory and upload your theme file. It should be labeled "themename_theme.php." (Replace "Themename" with the name of your theme.)

    • 3). Run the "" file in your SquirrelMail directory to apply your new theme. You can run the program by typing "perl /path/to/squirrelmail/" without quotation marks on the command line, then pressing "Enter." Replace "/path/to/squirrelmail" with the path to your squirrelmail folder.

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