How Do I Get Songs From My iPod to My PC?
- Having an Apple iPod is a great way to store all of your MP3 music in one convenient, portable place, but getting music off is a little difficult. A program called EphPod has been introduced as the anti-iTunes application because it will let you do anything you want with your iPod. This program allows you to place music onto your iPod, take music off your iPod and do all of that with your movies and photos as well. The program is free, which is great considering all that it does. The process is straightforward. You install the program. Plug in your iPod. Open the program. Select the items that you want to transfer back to your computer. Right-click them, and select "Copy to Directory." Choose where you want them to be saved and press "OK." Wait as all of the items are transferred to your computer.
- If you do not want to use EphPod, there is an alternative that is not as flashy or easy but still works quite well. This method uses iTunes to create your library again, so make sure you have iTunes installed before you try this method. Plug in your iPod and go to your computer's settings and make sure your computer is showing hidden files and folders. Go to where your computer shows all of its available disks. You will see your local disk, DVD drive and your iPod drive. Open the iPod drive and select the "iPod_Control" folder. You will find a Music folder inside. Copy that to your computer. Open iTunes and open "iTunes Preferences." Click the "Advanced" tab and check "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when added to library." Drag all of your music into iTunes and it will copy the music into your Music folder.