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How to Change Oil on a Car With Over 200,000 Miles

    • 1). Park your car on a level area. Read the owner's manual to find the location of the oil drain plug and oil filter.

    • 2). Slide under the front of your car on your back. Unscrew the oil drain plug nut and allow all the oil to drain into the oil pan. Screw the oil drain plug nut back in with the correct size wrench after the oil has drained completely.

    • 3). Pop the hood of your vehicle. Locate the oil filter as stated in the owner's manual (it usually is on the front of your engine block, beside the oil dipstick). Unscrew it with your hand. Wipe clean oil around the seal and rim of the new oil filter. Screw on the new oil filter with your hand tightly.

    • 4). Unscrew the oil fill lid on top of your engine, near the oil dipstick. Fill your engine with the required amount of oil. Screw the oil fill lid back on. Check the oil dipstick to make sure the oil is full enough and filled to the proper level. Close your hood.

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