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DIY Dodge Full Size Van Transmission Fluid Change

    • 1). Raise the front of the van with a jack onto a pair of jack stands to gain easier access to the underside of the engine. Slide underneath the engine and locate the transmission drain pan in the center. This is a large, metal square tank surrounded by six bolts. Place a large collection pan beneath the drain pan.

    • 2). Remove all but one of the bolts surrounding the tank with a 1/2-inch socket wrench. Allow the fluid to drain completely, usually about 10 to 15 minutes. Hold the transmission drain pan securely with one hand as you remove the final bolt. Lower the remaining fluid into the collection pan. Wash out the drain pan and bolts.

    • 3). Unscrew the three bolts attaching the transmission filter beneath the transmission drain pan with a 3/8-inch socket wrench. Replace it with a new filter. Reattach the transmission drain pan. Lower the van from the jack stands with the jack.

    • 4). Pop the hood by pulling out the hood release lever under the steering panel. Prop the hood up with the tension bar. Locate the transmission dipstick above its drain pan. Pull it out and put a funnel into the tube. Pour in 4 quarts of transmission fluid. Replace the dipstick and close the hood.

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