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How to Choose to Share All Files & Folders With Other User Accounts in Windows XP

    • 1). Log in as an Administrator. Click the "Start" button then click the "My Computer" item in the menu that appears.

    • 2). Right-click on the drive in which you wish to share all files and folders with other accounts on the computer. Click "Properties" in the menu that appears.

    • 3). Click on the "Security" tab. Click a user account that you wish to grant access to all files and folders. Click the checkbox in the "Allow" column next to the "Modify," "Read & Execute," "List Folder Contents," "Read" and "Write" items. Click the "Apply" button.

    • 4). Repeat Step 3 for each account you wish to grant access to all folders and files.

    • 5). Click the "Advanced" button. Click on an account that had permissions modified in the previous step and click the "Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries shown here that apply to child objects" checkbox; click the "Apply" button. Repeat this step for each account that had permissions modified in Step 3. Click the "OK" button. Click the "OK" button in the Properties window.

    • 6). Repeat this procedure for each hard drive and partition on the computer system.

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