Health & Medical sports & Exercise

The Use Of Shoulder Stretching Exercise

It's a truth that strong arms and shoulders can help improve your golf swing. Golf stretching exercises for shoulder can help you to achieve a more consistent swing. The main restriction for golfers at the top of their swing is their shoulders. Primarily the rotator cuff of the back shoulders the right shoulder for a right-handed golfer. Golf stretching exercises specific for your shoulders will get you to the top of your swing consistently and with little effort.

Overhead Golf Stretching Exercises is a very helpful exercise to your backswing. Since the top of the backswing is above your head, it is critical to implement golf stretching exercises that are above your head. There are many simple stretches you can do with your hands clasped or by grabbing a golf club with your arms extended and take it overhead. Doing stretches like this consistently will make a dramatic improvement on your ability to get to the top of your backswing consistently. This position will make it much easier for you to come down in a mechanically correct position virtually every time.

The rotator cuff muscles are the most common to get injured with golfers. Rotator cuff exercises can be done easily at home, and they use little or no weight or resistance and only take about ten minutes at a time. The requirement to get to the top of your backswing takes a high level of rotator cuff felicity and if you don't have it, the rotator cuff gets overused and injured. External rotation of the back shoulder is a must. With any restriction in this area, it is impossible to get to the top of your swing without tension. You will see an improvement in your game almost straight away.

Along with rotator cuff is backswing stretches. Golf shoulder stretch exercises for this phase of your swing should focus on the back of the lead shoulder and upper back muscles as well. Tightness in this area will create a higher level of tension early on in the backswing. Stand up and try to make a backswing and notice how early the tension creeps in with the back of your lead shoulder. I'll bet you feel it early on, way before you get to a 90 degree shoulder turn.

The follow through is rarely worked on. Many people pay too much attention to the golf backswing instead of follow through, you can also loot at your follow through in the mirror, or make a follow through at any point in the day. Stretching this area is focusing on the back of the non lead shoulder specific to the follow through. Do this and I promise you, you will hit the ball further since you will be swing all the way through the ball.

Golf stretching exercises for shoulders will make a difference. The shoulder exercise will strengthen the front of your shoulder. You can use two dumbbells or a barbell. Hold your arms in front of you straight with your palms facing down. Either have a dumbbell in each hand or hold a barbell with both, shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms straight in front of you to shoulder height, no higher. Bring your arms down straight to your legs to finish the exercise. There are two important things to know about a successful shoulder exercise program. One is to make sure that you rest the muscles properly in order that they can healbeforehand, the other is that you build up the exercises gradually, being careful to avoid any exercise that causes you pain. In shoulders, pain invariably means that you are causing more damage. The information in this article will help you a lot on your golf swing.

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