"Fight Or Flight" Response to Success
The "Fight or Flight" response is most commonly used to describe our physical response to something that threatens our survival - but we want to talk about it in terms of your response to "success".
Marketers know there are millions of people surfing the Internet looking for a way to be successful..
they also know if they really gave them what they're looking for, they would run the other direction.
It is the "Fight or Flight" response to TRUE SUCCESS.
The path that leads to true success is about as obvious as the nose on your face, it's far from being hidden.
It's not buried in the core of the earth where only a few lucky ones will ever extract it and have access to it...
It's not scattered in 100 pieces in undisclosed locations waiting for you to find it...
and YOUR success is certainly not going to be revealed to you through someone else's cracked code, insider info, or overnight success.
The Internet has "Marketed" Success like the prize inside a cracker jack box, as though ANYONE can have it - by simply buying the box.
And if you don't like the prize, you throw it away, cross your fingers, and buy another box.
They've made success "impersonal" and "sterile" - INTENTIONALLY - by eliminating the idea that WHO you are, your characteristics, integrity, flaws, and strong suits, have NOTHING to do with your success,..
then success becomes a one-size-fits-all generic package they can sell to anyone.
But it is easier, right? It's easier than being told that your potential for success is squarely on YOUR shoulders..
and that to experience it, to tap into it, to realize it..
you need to do some "YOU" work.
If top Internet earners could by-pass the hard work of discovering their unique perspective,...
the one thing about themselves that would give them 'an edge' in the marketplace..
if they could have found true success by simply buying into someone elses program, system, or opportunity..
IF it was that easy...
then what? You think they are just gluttons for punishment? Had nothing better to do with their money or time? We all go to the effort, the expense, and the hard work of creating something unique and personal, because it's the only way to get to the life, and lifestyle change, true success offers.
It can be intimidating to look in the mirror and say "What is so special about me, what is within me, what do I have, what can I offer others,...
that will take me from where I am now, to the pinnacle of my dreams?" All we know, is that THERE IS something..
WHAT it is, is your mission in life to discover.
Your will either "Fight" obstacles, hurdles, and the unknown to discover the success waiting WITHIN you..
or you will "Flee" from the opportunity - and spend your life buying other peoples dreams.
Marketers know there are millions of people surfing the Internet looking for a way to be successful..
they also know if they really gave them what they're looking for, they would run the other direction.
It is the "Fight or Flight" response to TRUE SUCCESS.
The path that leads to true success is about as obvious as the nose on your face, it's far from being hidden.
It's not buried in the core of the earth where only a few lucky ones will ever extract it and have access to it...
It's not scattered in 100 pieces in undisclosed locations waiting for you to find it...
and YOUR success is certainly not going to be revealed to you through someone else's cracked code, insider info, or overnight success.
The Internet has "Marketed" Success like the prize inside a cracker jack box, as though ANYONE can have it - by simply buying the box.
And if you don't like the prize, you throw it away, cross your fingers, and buy another box.
They've made success "impersonal" and "sterile" - INTENTIONALLY - by eliminating the idea that WHO you are, your characteristics, integrity, flaws, and strong suits, have NOTHING to do with your success,..
then success becomes a one-size-fits-all generic package they can sell to anyone.
But it is easier, right? It's easier than being told that your potential for success is squarely on YOUR shoulders..
and that to experience it, to tap into it, to realize it..
you need to do some "YOU" work.
If top Internet earners could by-pass the hard work of discovering their unique perspective,...
the one thing about themselves that would give them 'an edge' in the marketplace..
if they could have found true success by simply buying into someone elses program, system, or opportunity..
IF it was that easy...
then what? You think they are just gluttons for punishment? Had nothing better to do with their money or time? We all go to the effort, the expense, and the hard work of creating something unique and personal, because it's the only way to get to the life, and lifestyle change, true success offers.
It can be intimidating to look in the mirror and say "What is so special about me, what is within me, what do I have, what can I offer others,...
that will take me from where I am now, to the pinnacle of my dreams?" All we know, is that THERE IS something..
WHAT it is, is your mission in life to discover.
Your will either "Fight" obstacles, hurdles, and the unknown to discover the success waiting WITHIN you..
or you will "Flee" from the opportunity - and spend your life buying other peoples dreams.