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How to Remove Duplicate Entries in a Registry

    • 1). Log into your system as an administrator.

    • 2). Click "Start," type "regedit" in the "Start Search" field and press "Enter" if using Windows Vista or 7.

      Click "Start" and "Run," type "regedit" in the dialog box and click "OK" if using Windows XP.

    • 3). Expand the hive that contains the duplicate entries you wish to delete by clicking on the corresponding "+" sign. The hives include "HKEY_CURRENT_USER," "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE," "HKEY_CURRENT_ CONFIG" and "HKEY_USERS."

    • 4). Expand the sub-folders or keys that contain the duplicate entries.

    • 5). Right-click each duplicate entry, choose "Delete" from the drop-down menu and confirm by clicking "Yes."

    • 6). Close the Registry Editor.

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