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Minimum Requirements for Windows XP SP2

    • Service Pack 2 added a variety of security updates and features to Windows XP, including a new firewall and Security Center. Service Pack 2 is not the most recent update for XP: Service Pack 3 is available for all legitimate copies of the operating system. As of 2010, Windows has discontinued support for XP's Service Pack 2.

    Operating System

    • If you are installing SP2 as an update, you must have Windows XP on your computer before you begin. Any 32-bit version of XP will work--Professional, Home, Media Center, etc. It is not compatible with the 64-bit version.


    • A 233 MHz processor is the minimum that will handle XP Service Pack 2.


    • Windows XP Service Pack 2 needs at least 64MB of random access memory, or RAM, to function properly.

    Hard Drive

    • Service Pack 2 requires a minimum of 1.8GB of free space on your hard drive.

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