Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Save Money on Auto Fuel and Maintenance Costs

These two items are some of the easiest places to find multiple ways to cut costs from your budget.
Try some of the tips below in order to see your dollars stay where they should.
Once you have filled up your tank and get back into the driver's seat, you can instantly keep your costs down by taking it slow.
As you leave the gas station, don't rev your engine up as you take off, or at stop signs or lights.
Accelerate at a steady pace, and you will not suck gas right out of your tank.
This is also true as you go down the road, as speed is another killer on gas usage.
The faster you drive, the faster your gas runs out.
Keeping a steady, slower speed that keeps up with the traffic will help your car use gas at a more efficient rate.
Also, if you are traveling or highway driving consider using your cruise control if permissible.
This is a good way to keep that constant speed that saves on gas usage.
Maintenance on your car is a crucial part of keeping money in your wallet.
As mentioned earlier, speeding can have a marked effect on how much gas you use, but also on the amount of wear that you put on your engine.
Fast, hard driving is tough on the motor, causing things to wear out faster and be replaced sooner.
Your engine also needs to have its regularly scheduled tune-ups, which keep your motor running at peak efficiency.
Part of this maintenance is being sure to have your oil changed at least every three thousand miles.
Dirty air filters and oil cause efficiency to drop, which means wear on your car and less gas in your tank.
A good tip here is to consider running synthetic oil in your engine, which costs more now, but saves you money in the long run.
Dirty oil can also damage the engine, as can low oil.
If you find a leak, get it fixed right away.
An engine running without oil can become extremely costly to repair, or could burn up completely.
Taking care of your care is essential to keeping it running smoothly and efficiently in all conditions.
Well running engines have less wear, last longer, and require less gas in order to run.
Keeping up on scheduled maintenance and being aware of problems early also help your wallet.
Also, by driving slower and at a steadier pace and using cruise control when able you can help to keep your car from sucking gas out of the tank at a frightening pace.
By trying some of the tips discussed above, your car will keep running smooth and your wallet will have more money for you to spend on other things.

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