How to Hide the Local Drive From My Computer in Windows XP
- 1). Click "Start," then "Run." Type "regedit" and hit "Enter." This will bring up the Windows Registry Editor. Registry "keys" are displayed in a nested folder structure in the left pane; clicking any one of them will bring up one or more "values" in the right pane.
- 2). Navigate to the following key in the left pane: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
- 3). Check the right pane for a value called "NoDrives." If it exists, double-click it and move to Step 4. If it doesn't, create it by right-clicking anywhere in the right pane, selecting "New" and clicking "DWORD Value." Name the value "NoDrives," then double-click it to modify its contents.
- 4). Check the "Decimal" option and enter a code corresponding to the drive(s) you want to hide. The codes begin at 1 with the A: drive and double with each subsequent drive letter -- B: is 2, C: is 4, D: is 8 and so on. To hide multiple drives, add the codes together -- to hide both the C: and D: drives, for example, enter 12; to hide the B: and F: drives, enter 34. Press "OK" when you're done.
- 5). Close the Registry Editor and restart Windows. Your specified drives will now be hidden from My Computer.