Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Upgrade to Windows 7 Professional From Windows 7 Home Premium

    • 1). Go to the Anytime Upgrade page.

    • 2). Click "Buy now."

    • 3). Make any adjustments necessary for your purchase, such as whether you prefer a download or a hard copy shipped, or if you have a promo code. If desired, you can also add other Microsoft products, including Office, to your cart at this time.

    • 4). Click "Continue checkout."

    • 5). Provide your billing address, payment information and email address, as well as download preferences if you are ordering a download. Click "Next."

    • 6). Review your order and confirm your purchase.

    • 7). Install your Windows upgrade by Internet download or from an installation DVD you receive in the mail, depending on which one you order. You will receive a receipt via email and installation instructions if you are downloading your upgrade. Once you start the installation process, follow the prompts on-screen to complete your product installation and activation.

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