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How to Install Chat for Windows XP

    • 1). Go to the Windows Live Messenger download page on the Windows Live website (see References), choose your language and click Download Now. If you use Firefox, you'll have to save the file, find it after it downloads and then double click it to run it. If you use Internet Explorer, you can choose to run the file and speed up the process a bit.

    • 2). Choose the programs you want to install of the Windows Live suite of applications. If you only want Messenger, uncheck everything else. Any programs you already have will be listed, and any that need updating will be listed under "These programs will be updated."

    • 3). Click Install. The installer will check to see if any open programs need to be closed; you can click "Skip," but it's best to let the software search and to close any programs it finds open. Remember to save your work in these programs before closing them.

    • 4). Review the choices the software gives you after installation. The first one, checked by default, will replace your default search provider with Microsoft's Bing and prevent other search providers from replacing it. If you like your current search provider, uncheck this. The second choice, also checked by default, will set your home page to MSN. Uncheck this if you're happy with your current home page. The third choice would allow Microsoft to collect information about your computer for product-improvement purposes. Don't check this if you don't want to participate.

    • 5). Click "Sign Up" on the next page if you don't have a Windows Live ID. If you do (and an MSN or Hotmail ID count), then you can just click the "Close" button.

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