Health & Medical Yoga

Getting Started:At-home Kundalini Yoga

Yoga has gained increasing popularity throughout the U.S. in recent years. Many people of all ages have quickly come to know the extensive benefits that this form of fitness and mental well being offers its students. Although most studios throughout America provide instruction in Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga is becoming more widely known and appreciated amongst leading yogis.

The primary difference between these two, well-known styles of yoga is in their focus. Hatha yoga places more emphasis on awareness and energy through the mastery of various poses, performed at a slow and deliberate pace. Instead, Kundalini yoga offers an emphasis in a strategic combination of breathing and physical movements for the express purpose of freeing the energy that is stored in the lower body and enabling it to move upwards through the body.

For those that are having trouble locating a yoga studio that teaches Kundalini yoga, they will no doubt appreciate the many available resources for taking this learning experience into the home. Its not necessary to pay expensive monthly fees and visit a crowded studio several days a week to learn this unique and energizing form of yoga. Instead, consider the wealth of resources available in the form of Kundalini yoga DVDs, supportive websites, books, and so much more.

At-home Kundalini yoga provides you with the ability to understand new techniques and teachings at your own pace. In addition, you may find yourself more willing to open up and accept the potential of the proven methods for increased relaxation, understanding, and overall well being from the privacy of your own home. Its easy to learn Kundalini yoga in your home, but you will need to invest in some high quality instructional materials; like the many series of Kundalini yoga DVDs offered at by Yoga Technology.

Are you sold on the benefits of Kundalini yoga, but not quite sure where to get started? If youre ready to embark on this fascinating journey, then consider a visit to, where you will find many helpful lessons, books, and Kundalini yoga DVDs to help you along the way. Give this method a try before you commit. Its easy to do and youll find free lessons available for this purpose at There is also a link provided to a Yahoo Group thats free to subscribe to, where you can find fellowship with others enjoying a similar journey.

Learn what a difference the addition of Kundalini yoga can make in your life and get started with a visit to today. Read through student testimonials and review comprehensive details about this form of yoga from our wide range of professional yogis. Visit and begin your journey to a better life through improved awareness, enlightenment, and physical fitness.

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