Health & Medical Yoga

What Is Meditation: Part 1

By the end of this 2 part article series you will have a clear idea of what meditation is, and more importantly some of the subtle mistakes people make when identifying meditation, that means they have their idea of meditation completely backwards.
You won't have to make that mistake.
You'll be firmly grounded in knowledge that 90% of people you know probably won't have found yet because meditation is still misunderstood and mis-taught by many.
To get the second part of this series simply go to my author page and it will be listed there very soon.
Meditation is the act of using a technique; or series of techniques, to relax and naturally quiet the mind to achieve laser like clarity, focus and wisdom.
But additionally, (something often missed) - meditation is the action of using that powerful quiet, relaxed, yet alert focus, to discover the true nature of anything observed, free of pre-conception.
It's important to know that meditation is NOT blocking ones thoughts.
This is one of the worst things you can do to your mind and system, and I'll get in to why at a later date.
What is the cause of suffering usually? Have you ever had something in life happen to you that at the time you thought was AWFUL...
and then 2 years later turned out to be for the best? What if, while it was happening, you could have had the perspective and wisdom you had looking back 2 years later? Would that have saved you a whole lot of suffering? As they say, "hindsight is 20:20 vision.
" This is just a small example of the power of being able to go beyond your perceptions, and view life anew, with that pin-point clarity.
However, although this is the meditation path, not all courses teach the whole process, in fact many only teach the first half - if that - many in fact teach only the first quarter to a third - and this portion I'm referring to can be called "Calming".
This when only used, by itself can actually be damaging, depending on what thoughts end up replacing the old ones.
The second aspect, that must be handled if one is to truly walk the path of meditation, is "Insight".
They are like the 2 wings of an aero-plane or bird, one without the other will have you flying around in circles at best, that's if you even manage to get off the ground.
Please be aware that as with anything, there are charlatans and true examples, I recommend you take nothing for granted, and observe things for yourself as a scientist would.
In this way, true learning is possible.
If anything I say holds truth, it should be able to stand your inquiry.

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