Yoga, Is It For You?Some Of Your Questions Answered
If you practice yoga even only once a week, for an hour each time, you will definitely feel the benefits.The more you practice the more benefits you will feel.
How to Perform the Double Tree Pose in Partner Yoga
Much like the standard single variation, the double tree pose in partner yoga strengthens the thighs, calves, and ankles while stretching the legs, chest and shoulders. As you remain in the form, you will begin to take away a better sense of balance and a renewed approach to the day. With the double
Kids Yoga and T'ai Chi - Creating Healthy, Loving Relationships
Did you know that healthy children laugh about 300 times a day? It's natural to have fun and imitating animals--experiencing the wondrous ways their bodies can twist, bend, move, and freeze in stillness-and feeling energy flowing in their body is truly joyful for children and, for that matter,
What You Needed To Know About Meditation
Meditation is the easiest process for bringing stillness to the mind. With regular practice, patience and determination the practitioner brings focus, quietude and poise to the normally busy and distracted mind.
Toughest Yoga Poses to Master
Yoga is the art and science of self-mastery. As such, regular practice of yoga asanas, breathing techniques and meditation have a profound effect on your ability to master your emotions. In the process of mastering your emotions, yoga enables you to strengthen and tone your body.
Master the art of yoga and become a professional yoga instructor
Many young individuals throughout US have been going for this lucrative career option to bolster their income generation in a very noble and dignified way. By being a certified yoga trainer and organi
Authentic Yoga with Deepak Chopra Featuring Tara Stiles
Authentic Yoga with Deepak Chopra Featuring Tara Stiles is a yoga iPhone and iPod app available through iTunes.
How To Find A Local Weight Loss Center
Are you looking to lose weight? If you are, have you ever though about joining a weight loss center?A weight loss center membership is a nice way to help you achieve your goal of losing weight.If you have never been a member of a weight loss center before, you may be wondering how you can go about f
What is Yoga
This article gives a general description of a Hatha yoga class.The article gives detiais ofsome of yoga's benefits one can expect with regular practice.
Vipassana Meditation Process
This is an exclusive process of Vipassana meditation. It's better if you join at any meditation center.
How To Give Your Meditating A Boost
It is generally accepted that a regular dose of meditation is good for you. And chanting is regarded as a helpful lead to meditating. This article uses a true story to emphasise the importance and value of meditating and chanting.
Meditation Postures
The easiest way to amplify the good effects of meditation is to meditate in a proper posture. An ideal posture is one that keeps your mind and body alert, yet relaxed. Let's take a look at some commonly used postures.
Couples Yoga - Reconnect Without Words
During my yoga teacher training I was delightfully captivated one weekend by the beautiful unspoken dialogue that occurred as I partook of a partner yoga session. At the start of the class I sat back to back with my partner and we were asked to simply observe the other's breath flowing in and o
Complimenting Your Workout With Yoga Calories Burned
Have you tried supplementing your workout by adding yoga calories burned? More and more people are augmenting their normal workout routines with a yoga class. The coupling of strength training and cardio training with yoga is a sure way to whole fitness. Many brave souls have stepped into a yoga cla
Yoga Teacher Training: Asana for Stroke Recovery
If you have decided to become a yoga instructor for students who have had a previous stroke, there is much you should know about asana modifications and how to properly use props. Specialized yoga teacher training and therapy are needed in order to give students the best attention and care.
Five of the Best Brainwaves for Meditation
Many in the medical and scientific community are becoming more and more interested in brainwave activity, not just in normal every day life, but also for brainwaves meditation. There are five different types of brainwaves, and in this article we will briefly describe each of them and how they relate
How to Do Chair Yoga Goddess Pose
Yoga's goddess pose is typically done as a standing posture. It is a deep squatting position which can help to build strength in the thigh muscles. One other benefit of this pose is a stretching of the hips and inner thigh muscles. However, for those living with significant knee pain, this posture c
How to Do the Yoga Wheel Pose With a Partner
The yoga wheel pose is often intimidating, particularly for beginning students; however, it is a fantastic pose that works the entire body and helps to release tension in the shoulders, hips and throughout the entire spine. One very simple trick performed by a yoga partner can help you to ensure tha
Learning to Stretch - Practicing Sensitivity and Control
Relaxing a muscle and contracting it are both aspects of controlling our body. We can improve our ability to stretch our muscles, activate them and strengthen them by learning to feel our muscles and control them.We can focus feeling the belly of the a muscle since this is the part that does the wor