Health & Medical Yoga

An Explanation of Integral Yoga

You may have heard of different styles of Yoga, and most likely been confused about what the differences are.
For now, just understand that there really are differences between the different styles of Yoga, and to determine which one is right for you, you will need to explore the various styles to find a match.
One style of Yoga that more people are becoming interested in is Integral Yoga.
Integral Yoga has also been called Purna Yoga, or Supramental Yoga.
All terms relate to the joining of all parts of yourbeing with the Divine, to achieve a harmonious state of higher being, or divine consciousness and existence.
This form of Integral Yoga was developed by Sri Aurobindo.
Note that there are other forms of integral yoga, so knowing who the founder or developer was is important when selecting or exploring a style of yoga.
The point of integral - yoga is to unite and harmonize the karma, the jnana, and the bhakti.
Essentially, this is all a combination of the physical self, the vital self, the mental self, the psychic self, and the spiritual self.
As you can see, because of what is involved, you can be sure that the Integral Style of Yoga goes far beyond physical exercise or relaxation.
There is a great deal more to it than just learning some yoga poses or attending a class.
Integral Yoga takes intense practice, a great deal of knowledge, and the willingness to live the exercise, as opposed to just working out a few times a week.
While Integral Yoga has its supporters and its nay-Sayers, in our busy world, few people feel that they have the time to learn or practice integral yoga.
The truth is that learning yoga is an ongoing experience which requires commitment and patience.
There are also those who feel that yoga is cultish in nature, or that it goes against Christian beliefs.
In fact, integral - yoga has little to do with religion, although people mistakenly believe this because there is so much mention of the 'Divine.
' In truth, the 'Divine' in this context refers to the self, and the unity of the entire self to reach a higher level of consciousness.
In fact, religious belief - in God or other beliefs - is highly stressed as a part of the whole person in integral Yoga.
In other words, nobody is trying to change your religious beliefs.
Instead, they are trying to bring you closer to your own beliefs, as a whole person.

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