Health & Medical Yoga

Meditation - The Himalayan Tradition of Yoga Meditation

Yoga meditation is described as an art and science of systematically observing, accepting, understanding, and training each of the levels of our being, such that we can coordinate and integrate those aspects of ourselves, and dwell in the direct experience of the center of consciousness.
The Yoga that is practiced today is not actually a separate part of Yoga Meditation, simply because Yoga is meditation.
However, to differentiate Yoga Meditation with the now popular belief that Yoga is all about physical postures, Yoga Meditation is a complete process unto itself and only a small though useful part it relates to the physical body.
In the Himalayan form of Yoga Meditation, one systematically works with the senses, body, breath and the various levels of the mind, and then goes beyond to the center of consciousness.
The science of yoga meditation as taught by the Himalayan sages is already a complete science that has been divided into smaller segments over time.
Unfortunately over a period of time each of these segments have been isolated and came to be known as separate and unique forms of mediation.
Yoga Meditation involves a broad range of practices and has a holistic approach to the well being of the mind and body.
Some of these practices include: Meditation Meditation needs focus, and that focus can range from the breath, a visual image, an internal point of focus, or a religious symbol, regardless of the object used, meditation evolves in stages.
  • Gross objects.
    Yoga meditation may start with concentrating on identifiable objects or words.
  • Subtle objects.
    Second would be to shift the focus to their non-objective form or feature
  • Bliss.
    Third would lead to the subtler, joy-producing essence or meaning of the object
  • I-ness.
    Moving still deeper into the core of existence.
Yoga meditation is systematic and moves inward, from gross to subtle to subtler and to subtle-most.
Attention moves inward progressively, from the most external to the very core of the being.
Contemplation Whether it is a reflection on the universal picture or an aspiring verse from the sacred texts of one's religion, contemplation also evolves.
One of the focuses of Contemplation in the Himalayan tradition is Mahavakyas or great Contemplations.
The different stages in the evolution of contemplation are:
  • Thought.
    Contemplation may start with a verbal thought or process.
  • Reflection.
    Second is to deepen to quiet reflection
  • Intuition.
    Later bring intuitive wisdom, and
  • Knowing.
    Then lead to a formless knowing.
Like meditation, contemplation also moves inward, following the steps of moving inward from gross to subtle to subtler and to subtle-most.
As the more external, gross, verbal way recedes, it leads to the very core of our intuitive being.
Prayer Although Prayers might be different for people of different cultures and religions, prayer also evolves through stages:
  • Repetition.
    Prayer may start by being repetitive and standardized in a traditional way
  • Relationship.
    Then shifting to a more verbal and spontaneous inner relationship
  • Feeling.
    Then developing to a deeper, non-verbal feeling of love and devotion and
  • Communion.
    Transforms into deeper communion.
Again prayer also moves progressively from the most external to the very core of our being.
Prayers for strength, or for spiritual awakening, gradually come to completion.
Mantra Whether the Mantra is of a particular religious significance, such as a short phrase or a spiritual language such as Sanskrit, or a seed syllable not of any particular religion or language, it evolves through various stages.
Mantra usage deepens with practice:
  • Spoken.
    It may be spoke first externally or internally
  • Heard.
    Later heard or attended to internally
  • Feeling.
    Then later experienced as a syllable-less feeling, or
  • Pervasive awareness.
    Finally experiencing pervasive awareness that leads to its source.
The origin of Yoga Meditation lies in the meaning of the word Yoga itself which comes from the word "yuj" meaning to join.
Thus Yoga means to bring together the aspects of yourself that were never meant to be divided in the first place.
Although some principles of Yoga Meditation are contained within various religions, Yoga meditation in itself is not a religion.

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