Death of Your Success
Did you know that the leading killer in this country for success is that dreaded disease called procrastination? Many dreams have been snuffed out of existence before they ever get a chance to blossom because of this enemy.
Not sure if you have it? Ask yourself these questions: When confronted with a problem how do you handle it?Do you put it on a to-do list and schedule it for another date or time? Or do you just take care of it NOW? Do you avoid conflict or do you embrace it as a precursor to change and possible increased self-fulfillment? Are you blinding yourself in your comfort zone?Do you think that someday everything will work itself out as long as you keep struggling through the hard times? Do you think there is a magic solution to all your problems out there and it will come on a specific date and as long as you can make it to that date you will be fine? I will bet you answered yes to a few of these questions and there is good news.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS WORLD! All successful people have had a bout of procrastination enter their lives, but the difference is they got over it quickly and got back on the track to success.
It doesn't have to kill your dreams and invade your life forever, but it will if you let it.
Trust me I have been down that road far too often and only when I began to slay the procrastination beast did I start seeing results.
Results bring success, but you have to begin an action before you can see results and sitting there on your butt doesn't count as an action in this case.
So get up and get moving and start being successful.
Even if you do something wrong at first- it is still a step in the right direction because you did something! If you need help along the way feel free to call me.
Not sure if you have it? Ask yourself these questions: When confronted with a problem how do you handle it?Do you put it on a to-do list and schedule it for another date or time? Or do you just take care of it NOW? Do you avoid conflict or do you embrace it as a precursor to change and possible increased self-fulfillment? Are you blinding yourself in your comfort zone?Do you think that someday everything will work itself out as long as you keep struggling through the hard times? Do you think there is a magic solution to all your problems out there and it will come on a specific date and as long as you can make it to that date you will be fine? I will bet you answered yes to a few of these questions and there is good news.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS WORLD! All successful people have had a bout of procrastination enter their lives, but the difference is they got over it quickly and got back on the track to success.
It doesn't have to kill your dreams and invade your life forever, but it will if you let it.
Trust me I have been down that road far too often and only when I began to slay the procrastination beast did I start seeing results.
Results bring success, but you have to begin an action before you can see results and sitting there on your butt doesn't count as an action in this case.
So get up and get moving and start being successful.
Even if you do something wrong at first- it is still a step in the right direction because you did something! If you need help along the way feel free to call me.