Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Do I Need Batteries For My Enlightenment?

There is a great deal of hype about enlightenment these days, should we give up work and seek our inner selves or should we carry on regardless knowing that they are lurking about unheard inside of us? We hear talk of Light Workers, Healers and Seers and increasingly, many of us feel that we do not have a sense of true purpose a real belonging.
We are ashamed of mankind when we see the atrocities, the cruelty to children and animals and the general lack of concern and consideration that is now an every day part of our lives.
Having said that, it is very easy to be too involved in our own material lives and family matters to stop and listen to our hearts calling.
Indeed in many cases it is impractical to get off the wheel of life and acknowledge our own enlightenment.
Many people have to juggle more than one job and family life, the thought then of trying to 'find themselves' is far too much effort when your favourite TV programme and a glass of wine is calling.
My enlightenment came through the illness of my daughter.
I had been a highly paid I.
worker in the City of London, spending long hours commuting and having little time with my family.
I compensated by buying every gadget, toy or piece of clothing that my children desired.
Materially they lacked nothing, it was my way of appeasing my own guilt for not being there when they came home from school.
Although I have always been aware of my psychic and mediumistic abilities it never occurred to me that they could be used for the benefit of others.
I really took stock of my life after my daughter's illness became apparent.
I realised that being there for someone, hearing what they are saying and understanding how they are feeling made a difference to me as well as to others around me.
It is virtually impossible to perform a completely altruistic action, even buying flowers for your mum is not altruistic because it is done with the intent that she will be pleased and as a result you will feel good.
However, it is all to easy to nod in the appropriate places and make the relevant sounds whilst appearing to listen to a friend in need, when all the time you are thinking 'What shall I eat tonight?' 'Wonder if I should have bought that skirt in the sale?', etc.
, etc.
To embark on your own personal journey of enlightenment is so simple.
You do NOT need to enrol on the latest fashionable courses, chant mantras or join a cult.
Just spend more time being amongst people.
Do things with your family rather than for them.
Instead of ignoring a situation when you can sense a person has a problem, give them 5 minutes of your time, make them smile.
You will lighten their load and feel good about yourself.
I could go on to say work within the community, join Greenpeace, blah, blah, but it does not even take that.
In this our Western materialistic society we have lost sight of the ability to just 'be there' for others.
The race to achieve, the desire to obtain and the pressure from the media and so on is phenomenal in the 21st Century.
But ask yourself are you happy, no, I mean truly happy? Can you say that you lay your head on your pillow every night and think 'Yes, I'm at peace with myself'? I wonder how many of us really can anymore? Speak to those you have held petty grudges against, relatives that you have never seen eye to eye with and realise that although money is the key to getting what we and our family desire in today's world it is also the key that locks you into the great hamster wheel of life.
I wound down my City career over a number of years and now although my income is less my life is fuller than I ever imagined possible.
So, let your enlightenment begin gradually, let the unfoldment take place naturally, listen to your inner self, make peace with your heart and in six months you will not regret it.

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