The Way to a Better Life Through God
Most people go through their whole lives without realising there is a better way of doing things.
Many bump along from day to day, getting tied in knots, getting irritated, losing sight of the things that are important, and can´t see a way out.
Others find themselves in intolerable situations with loved ones, exes, bosses, perhaps unable to pay bills or get satisfaction from the simplest tasks.
Before they know it, their life has passed them by and they are left with an emptiness, alone, unloved.
They wonder where it all went wrong.
The stop and think too late about life and its deeper meaning.
Don´t let this happen to you.
Yes, it is easy to become distracted, to take your eye off the ball, when you have a life to live, a job to do.
But ask yourself a simple question.
How much of what you do is absolutely necessary, and how much of it is just chasing empty goals? We at times manage to convince ourselves of the importance of what we do, that we need to hit such and such a financial target, that we need to consume x amount of goods.
But rarely do we stop to meditate on the true relevance of all this.
If we do, for more than a few minutes, we realise that probably as much as ninety per cent of the things we have to do in a day actually have no inherent meaning in themselves.
They may even be described as ludicrous.
If you feel this about your life, take stock.
How much time do you spend commuting, queuing, reading trivia, waiting for someone? It all adds up.
Even important jobs like being a doctor or a policeman can often get bogged down with mindless trivia preventing these people from doing what they are good at, a vital job for the community.
Why do we allow ourselves to even get to this point? The answer is ridiculously simple.
The answer is we listen to the lies people tell us.
The best way to focus on what your life should be about is to forget the advice other people give.
Listen only to those people you have respect for and whose lives you wish to emulate.
Seek people who are at peace with themselves and who have successfully extricated themselves from the rat race.
God did not create the rat race.
Man did.
There is no reason on earth why your life should be no more meaningful than a rat´s.
You have understanding, creativity, an urge in your heart to attain spiritual enlightenment, and when you have done so you will have found a better way to live through God.
Many bump along from day to day, getting tied in knots, getting irritated, losing sight of the things that are important, and can´t see a way out.
Others find themselves in intolerable situations with loved ones, exes, bosses, perhaps unable to pay bills or get satisfaction from the simplest tasks.
Before they know it, their life has passed them by and they are left with an emptiness, alone, unloved.
They wonder where it all went wrong.
The stop and think too late about life and its deeper meaning.
Don´t let this happen to you.
Yes, it is easy to become distracted, to take your eye off the ball, when you have a life to live, a job to do.
But ask yourself a simple question.
How much of what you do is absolutely necessary, and how much of it is just chasing empty goals? We at times manage to convince ourselves of the importance of what we do, that we need to hit such and such a financial target, that we need to consume x amount of goods.
But rarely do we stop to meditate on the true relevance of all this.
If we do, for more than a few minutes, we realise that probably as much as ninety per cent of the things we have to do in a day actually have no inherent meaning in themselves.
They may even be described as ludicrous.
If you feel this about your life, take stock.
How much time do you spend commuting, queuing, reading trivia, waiting for someone? It all adds up.
Even important jobs like being a doctor or a policeman can often get bogged down with mindless trivia preventing these people from doing what they are good at, a vital job for the community.
Why do we allow ourselves to even get to this point? The answer is ridiculously simple.
The answer is we listen to the lies people tell us.
The best way to focus on what your life should be about is to forget the advice other people give.
Listen only to those people you have respect for and whose lives you wish to emulate.
Seek people who are at peace with themselves and who have successfully extricated themselves from the rat race.
God did not create the rat race.
Man did.
There is no reason on earth why your life should be no more meaningful than a rat´s.
You have understanding, creativity, an urge in your heart to attain spiritual enlightenment, and when you have done so you will have found a better way to live through God.