Ear & Nose,Throat : Health & Medical

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How Your Thyroid Problems Can Affect Weight Loss

How Your Thyroid Problems Can Affect Weight Loss

An Overview of Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism, from Mary Shomon, Thyroid Expert, patient advocate and author of New York Times best-selling book The Thyroid Diet, as well as other books and guides on thyroid disease, autoimmune disease, hormones and weight loss. Page 3.
Deviated Septum Recovery

Deviated Septum Recovery

Approximately 80 percent of people have a deviated septum, meaning the tissue that separates the nostrils is crooked, making the nostrils unequal sizes, according to the Mayo Clinic. In most cases a deviated septum causes no real symptoms, but infrequently, complications arise and require treatment.
Can You Test Your Hearing Online?

Can You Test Your Hearing Online?

Hearing tests are available online and can be used as a way for you to initially gauge whether you have a hearing loss.
What Is the Septum Part of a Human Nose?

What Is the Septum Part of a Human Nose?

The septum is the part of the nose that separates the left and right nostrils. In anatomy, the term septum refers to any part of the body that divides one bigger part into two smaller parts. In the nose, the septum creates a left and right nostril. In Latin, the nasal septum is referred to as septum
The Top Thyroid Sites: Pros & Cons

The Top Thyroid Sites: Pros & Cons

A review of the key thyroid web sites on the Internet, including Thyroid.com, Thyroid.org, and others, by patient advocate Mary Shomon.
Foods That Ease Pain

Foods That Ease Pain

Certain foods have natural qualities that can ease physical pain. The pain relief a food can bring largely lies in its anti-inflammatory properties, like the presence of antioxidants, amino acids and chemical compounds. But these foods may not be right for everyone. Health problems like diabetes,
Deaf Parents with Hearing Children

Deaf Parents with Hearing Children

Resources for deaf people parenting hearing children.
How to Train a Blue Nose Pit

How to Train a Blue Nose Pit

The blue nose pit bull terrier is a dog of medium size with a solid build, short hair and stern features. The blue nose pit bull breed is the result of hundreds of years of experimental cross breeding of bulldogs and terriers. The pit bull often gets a bad reputation as an overly aggressive and dang
Could Antibiotics Cure Your Hashimoto's Disease?

Could Antibiotics Cure Your Hashimoto's Disease?

A look at the connection between the bacteria yersinia, and Hashimoto's Disease, and whether treating yersinia may relieve thyroid symptoms, from Mary Shomon, Thyroid Guide, patient advocate and author
Sore Throat Causes

Sore Throat Causes

VirusesSore throat is one of the many symptoms associated with an array of viruses. Some of the common viruses that are associated with a sore throat are the common cold, influenza, coxsackievirus and infectious mononucleosis (mono)--also known as the "kissing disease," because it can be...
How to Relieve Your Sore Throat

How to Relieve Your Sore Throat

It feels horrible to have sore throat. Sometimes it's only minorly sore whenever you swallow. Other times, it's sore all the time. This article will include home remedies that will help relieve your sore throat.
Signs & Symptoms of Thyroid Problems in Adolescent Girls

Signs & Symptoms of Thyroid Problems in Adolescent Girls

While hypothyroidism--having an underactive thyroid--is most common in middle aged women, problems with the thyroid can happen at any age.
How to Identify the Signs of Hyperthyroidism

How to Identify the Signs of Hyperthyroidism

If you have hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, your thyroid glandis in overdrive, producing too much of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. This can cause a range of symptoms, including an elevated heart rate and high metabolism.
What Produces Sinus Drainage?

What Produces Sinus Drainage?

Sinus drainage occurs continuously, usually without most people noticing it. The sinus cavities normally produce a thin mucus that carries dirt, pollen and other offenders out of the body. When irritation or inflammation occurs in those passages, however, the mucus thickens and has a difficult time
Sign for Dog

Sign for Dog

Sign for dog
Hot Tubs & Sinus Infections

Hot Tubs & Sinus Infections

Sinus infections develop for many different reasons. Usually an irritant or allergen causes inflammation in the sinuses. This can lead to a sinus infection. Hot tub water contains chemicals that can be irritating to the sinuses.
Noise - Bombing

Noise - Bombing

Loud bombing noise can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss.
Good Housekeeping Thyroid Article Causes Controversy Among Patients and Practitioners: Nation's Top

Good Housekeeping Thyroid Article Causes Controversy Among Patients and Practitioners: Nation's Top

Top Integrative Physicians and Hormone Experts Respond to Controversial Good Housekeeping Thyroid Article, Understanding Thyroid Problems, written by Susan Carlton
Thyroid Diease & Anxiety Disorder

Thyroid Diease & Anxiety Disorder

Although most people exhibit physical symptoms from an imbalance of thyroid hormones, approximately 2 to 12 percent of patients with thyroid disease experience psychological symptoms first, according to Dr. Richard C. W. Hall at the University of Florida. Anxiety disorder is one of the many possible
Homeopathic Medicine for a Stuffy Nose in Children

Homeopathic Medicine for a Stuffy Nose in Children

A stuffed-up nose can make a child miserable and fussy and can affect sleep. Many over-the-counter remedies have warnings about use for children. For many parents, a simple remedy would be preferable. The goal, in curing a stuffy nose, is to moisten the mucous in the nose so that it loosens and will