Street Drugs: Know the Facts and Dangers
WebMD has the details on popular street drugs, how they impact your body and mind, and how they can affect your health. Learn about newer drugs such as bath salts and flakka as well as those that have been around for decades.
Brown Tape
Definition of the drug slang term 'Brown tape' from the Alcoholism / Substance Abuse glossary of drug street terms.
Benefits of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis is the practice of positive healing in an individual undergoing Hypnotherapy. When a person undergoes hypnosis, the left side of their brain is being tuned out and replaced by a more prominen
College Drinking and Drugging Has Become More Extreme
Since 1993, the number of college students who binge drink has remained about the same, but the intensity of excessive drinking has jumped sharply.
Evergreen Counseling LLC of Warsaw KY
Mental health and substance abuse services offered by Evergreen Counseling LLC of Warsaw KY
Worried About Addiction?-Topic Overview
If you follow your doctor's directions about taking narcotic medicines-and you don't have a history of substance abuse-your risk of getting addicted is small. In the past,narcotics were used only for short periods for short-term pain or for cancer pain. Many experts now also use them for lon
Drug Abuse, Not a Moral Issue
What is drug abuse? What type of effects do drugs have? and Where can I find help?
Dekalb Professional Counseling of Garrett IN
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Dekalb Professional Counseling of Garrett IN
Definition of the drug slang term 'Pakalolo' from the Alcoholism / Substance Abuse glossary of drug street terms.
Reaching Out Counseling LLC of Elkhart IN
Mental health services offered by Reaching Out Counseling LLC of Elkhart IN
Smoking Cessation Prescription - the REAL Way to Quit!
You're tired of worrying about the damage you've already done to your health.You know that if you quit now, you can still reverse the effects of smoking.If you know that this is the time you're ready to quit smoking for good, then this smoking cessation prescription I'm about to
Ecstasy – The Party Goers Addiction
Ecstasy if widely known as a party drug, however a series addiction can occur. That is why treatment is so important when an addiction to Ecstasy is suspected.
Use Your Computer to Stop Smoking
The Internet is, perhaps, the greatest source of information ever created. Not to use its vast resources, to assist in breaking the deadly habit of smoking, is missing out on using something that is simply there for the asking. It makes sense to use the latest technology to become a computer-assiste
Nicotine Gum Can Drastically Help The Quitting Smoking Process
Though there are many ways to stop smoking, nicotine gum has proven itself in offering additional stop smoking help. Of all the ways to quit smoking, besides hypnosis and simply going "cold turkey, the medicated nicotine gum is one of the oldest and most well understood.
Remove Tar From the Lungs
If you're trying to stop smoking or have stopped smoking then one of the best things you can do for your body is to give your lungs a fresh start with a lung detox. This will remove the tar from your lungs along with any other toxins that have collected over the period of time that you have bee
7 Powerful Language Patterns That Almost Instantly Hypnotize
Some people have trouble accepting just how powerful hypnotic language patterns really are. That's their loss! Master these seven simple patterns, and you'll find it easy to hypnotiz
Reasons to Quit Smoking Cigarettes
Now that you are getting serious about quitting cigarettes, it is time to learn how to use your reasons to quit as an advantage. Study your current reasons to quit, learn about reasons others have used and figure out which reasons mean the most to you.
10 Tips to Show You How to Quit Smoking
Here are 10 tips and suggestions to show you through the process of how to stop smoking. The vast majority of smokers are completely confused by the entire process and have no idea where to start! Actually taking the necessary steps to really quit smoking is not easy. What it does mean is finding th
Potrero Hill Health Center of San Francisco CA
Substance abuse services offered by Potrero Hill Health Center of San Francisco CA.
Alcohol Disorders Among College Students
A new study shows that six percent of college students meet criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol dependence (also referred to as alcoholism), and 31 percent meet the clinical criteria for alcohol abuse.