Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Ecstasy – The Party Goers Addiction

Ecstasy is widely known as a party drug. However, its effects can become highly desirable for those who use it recreationally. The intense desire to seek a high from Ecstasy due to its soothing effects is what can eventually lead to an addiction to Ecstasy. Anyone suffering from an Ecstasy addiction should seek out Ecstasy detoxtreatment resources in order to rid their lives of Ecstasy. Many people view this recreational drug as just that, recreational. However, an addiction to Ecstasy or any other drug can be very dangerous and should be taken seriously.  

Why Ecstasy

Ecstasy get's its name due to the induced euphoria that MDMA creates. It also produces a sense of intimacy with others and can lessen any anxiety that may occur. Studies have found that MDMA actually has some therapeutic benefits. MDMA has also been thought to be used to treat those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety that can be attributed to terminal cancer. This drug however, is widely used within the party scene and is combined with other amphetamines to heighten the experience.

The Euphoric Effects

The most common side effects associated with the use of MDMA include an alteration of consciousness, inner peace and self acceptance, lessened aggression or hostility, euphoria, compassion, a love for others, decreased pain sensitivity and many other nice happy feelings associated with a euphoria. These effects occur within 30 to 60 minutes of use and tend to reach their peak about 90 minutes after ingestion.

Suicide Tuesday

Some adverse effects of Ecstasy include, teeth grinding, loss of appetite, dry mouth. Once the drug has worn off, other after effects include anxiety and paranoia, depression, irritability, fatigue, inability to pay attention or focus, residual feelings of empathy or sensitivity. Dizziness as well as gastrointestinal disturbances occurs as well.  The period of coming down from the euphoria that Ecstasy delivers is refered to as Tuesday Blues or "Suicide Tuesday" this low depressive mood is a result of depleted serotonin levels that follow the use of MDMA over the weekend.

Overdose And Withdrawal

And overdose on Ecstasy is very dangerous and has many adverse effects. The psychological effects include anxiety and paranoia, and may even turn into psychosis. Acute delirium is common as well as hallucinations and delusions.  Some of the physical effects of an Ecstasy overdose include muscle twitching, hyperflexia, rapid breathing, palpitations, chest pain, circulatory shock, haemorrhaging or stroke, syncope, brain damage, and can even lead to a coma or death.  It doesn't matter wither MDMA is used recreationally or not, the dangers associated with the use of this drug are severe and can lead to death, which is why it is so important to seek treatment.

 An addiction to any drug is dangerous and must be treated, however, Ecstasy addiction often takes a back seat as many believe it's just a party drug and therefore it cannot become addictive. This is not true as it is an addictive substance and many people are addictive to Ecstasy. For this reason Ecstasy detox services are available to help those recover from an addiction to Ecstasy. Seeking help is the first step on the long journey to recovery. 

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