Alcohol and Breast Cancer: Update 2012
This update presents the current evidence associating alcohol consumption with breast cancer risk, and its possible mechanisms. Might even light drinking pose increased risk?
Role of Exercises in Drug Addiction Treatment Process
Exercises are increasingly becoming components of many drug addiction treatment therapies and programs. It has come out very effective once combined with therapies of cognitive behavior in forms of smoking cessations.
Atishwin Institute of Wichita KS
Substance abuse treatment services offered by Atishwin Institute of Wichita KS
Graydon Manor of Leesburg VA
Mental health services offered by Graydon Manor of Leesburg VA
Quitting Smoking with Chantix: What are patients saying?
Scientists discovered that a natural chemical in the body called cystisine blocks the pleasurable effects of nicotine and duplicated it, creating Chantix and consequently, helping ease withdrawal symp
Railbelt Mental Health and Addictions Treatment Program
Substances abuse services offered by Railbelt Mental Health and Addictions Treatment Program.
Stop Smoking - Laser Treatment Can Help You
Laser treatment plays a crucial role to help eliminate the cravings during the early stage when you try to quit smoking.Once you can control those cravings,giving up smoking in the long term becomes much more feasible.
Why Is Smoking More Harmful for Recovering Alcoholics?
Research shows that alcoholics, even recovering alcoholics, are at greater risk for the negative health effects of smoking compared to other smokers.
Quit Smoking Without Drugs and Medications - It's Possible If You Know How
You may not know it, and you may never have realized, but smoking is a kind of stress response. Most people who start smoking do so because of peer pressure or curiosity, but shortly afterward, they are addicted because cigarette smoking has an addictive, soothing and calming effect.
BehaviorCorp of Carmel IN
Mix of mental health and substance abuse services offered by BehaviorCorp of Carmel IN
How to Stop Smoking While Pregnant
The problems that smoking causes during pregnancy to both the mother and the baby are well known and the warnings about smoking while pregnant should be taken seriously. The challenge for many women who are pregnant is that quitting is perceived as being difficult and stressful. Those who have tried
Counseling Center Inc of Ruidoso NM
Mental health services offered by Counseling Center Inc of Ruidoso NM
20 Reasons to Quit Smoking
Everybody who stops smoking has their own individual reasons for quitting. Some quit for themselves, while others quit for the sake of their loved ones.
Abstaining From Alcoholism
One-third of all Americans say that alcohol causes problems in their families, according to psychologist Dr. Lawrence Metzger. At least ten million Americans, or one out of every ten drinkers, are problems drinkers or alcoholics.
Tips to Stop Drug Cravings - Take Action Now to Control Alcohol and Other Drug Cravings
Most people experience cravings in the early days of recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction. Cravings do not necessarily lead to relapse.Cravings can be prevented or managed so that relapse does not occur. A list of tools and techniques are given to help manage cravings and avoid relapse.
Quit Smoking Tips
This article briefly covers the bull points that one must observe to successfully embark on a smoke free life. These are fundamental actions but they will serve you well to achieve your goal.
How to Quit Smoking Today
Before going on to how to quit smoking it is better to put it this way - why should I quit smoking? To answer these two let us first see what smoking is all about. The habit of smoking is as old as Man. Ancient Scythians howling with pleasure threw hemp seeds on hot stones before inhaling the smoke.
How to Stop Smoking Cold Turkey - This Method is the Easiest and Fastest Way to Quit Those Smokes!
Cigarette smoke contains countless dangers to your health! No matter how you inhale cigarette smoke, either first or second hand, your body will be adversely affected by it. Here are a few easy ideas to help you quit smoking.
Otoe Missouria Tribe of Red Rock OK
Mental health and substance abuse services offered by Otoe Missouria Tribe of Red Rock OK
Rosa and Marcy's Quit Smoking Story
"Both of my parents were smokers and both of them eventually died from it, but, since my mother was, throughout my childhood until I was 16 years old, an old-fashioned 1950's style "stay at home" mom, my strongest memories, the ones forged in early childhood, are of her and her sm