Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Smoking Cessation Prescription - the REAL Way to Quit!

You're tired of worrying about the damage you've already done to your health.
You know that if you quit now, you can still reverse the effects of smoking.
If you know that this is the time you're ready to quit smoking for good, then this smoking cessation prescription I'm about to give you can not fail! I smoked for 15 years and was 33 when I finally quit for good.
The truth is I had four big fat flopping failures prior to when I tried quitting with more conventional methods.
If you've tried quitting before or have at least put some thought behind it, then chances are you've established 5 basic alternatives for quitting:
  • Cold Turkey - Ha!Good luck my friend.
    After the first night of withdrawal symptoms you'll be begging to be put out of your misery.
    Cold turkey works for some.
    But most people can just turn the addiction on and off like a light switch.
    If you go the cold turkey route, you better prepare yourself for some serious headaches, night sweats, moodiness, stress, hunger, panic, shakes and nausea.
    Not a pretty picture is it?
  • Gradual Quitting - Cutting back on your daily cigarettes works for some.
    But it's not a rock steady plan and falling off the track is much easier when you are actually ALLOWED to smoke during your quit smoking ritual.
    It only takes one night out with friends to smoke way beyond your daily quota and start you back at square one.
  • Pills - I tried this method during my second attempt.
    Pills will take care of the nicotine cravings, but that oral fixation will pull you right back into the trap of smoking.
    The fact is, nothing replaces that feeling of smoking a cigarette and feeling the relaxation flow over your body and mind.
  • Patches - Yeah...
    you can just read the Pills option again.
    Patches are worse though.
    I tried using Nicoderm my first time around the quitting merry-go-round.
    I would get terrible dizzy spells and nausea.
    Plus it just didn't replace that oral fixation and psychological addiction.
  • Hypnosis - I have friends who found success with this method.
    Hey, if it suits you, go for it.
    I honestly haven't tried hypnosis so I can't knock it too hard.

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