Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Use Your Computer to Stop Smoking

If you believe that computers can assist you to stop smoking you are absolutely correct.
You only need to type in the words 'stop smoking' in the Google search engine to have over 8 million web pages returned.
That's right, over 8,000,000 pages, which just goes to show the importance attached to persuading people to quit.
Just imagine how wonderful it would be if just one person stopped smoking today for every one of those pages.
The tobacco companies would soon be forced out of business! They wouldn't really, and our intention is not to be vindictive, as most of the big operators have diversified anyway.
It is easier to stop smoking than ever it was because there is so much help available, and the good news is that much of it is free.
There are many web sites, including those run by Government Health Departments, offering advice and services to assist you on your way.
The fact that it is easier to stop smoking does not mean that it can be achieved without a certain amount of determination.
That being said, if you really want to kick the habit, it is common sense to seek all the help you can get.
There is no better time to quit smoking than today.
The saying, that you should never put off until tomorrow what you can achieve today, is doubly applicable to stopping smoking.
If you work with computers you will not be able to smoke while at work.
Therefore, it should not be too difficult to strike a relationship, between not smoking and working on the computer.
In any event, even if you only use a computer at home it is difficult to type, or use a mouse effectively, while smoking at the same time.
The are so many good web sites to assist in your campaign to quit smoking, some of which contain advice about where local assistance is available to help you in your quest.
Do the recommended search for 'stop smoking' in Google or any other search engine you may prefer.
Make a note of what you consider to be the best non-smoking sites, and they will be readily available whenever you feel it necessary to reinforce your intentions.
Some people suggest that they wouldn't know what to do with their hands if they weren't smoking, but when you are surfing the Web that little problem is taken care of.
There is no doubt that a lot of money has been spent, to publicize the benefits of stopping smoking, on the Internet.
You can guarantee that the most up to date techniques will have been covered, and be regularly updated.
You could utilize RSS feeds so that as information was updated on your favorite web sites it was automatically fed through to you.
The Internet is, perhaps, the greatest source of information ever created.
Not to use its vast resources, to assist in breaking the deadly habit of smoking, is missing out on using something that is simply there for the asking.
It makes sense to use the latest technology to become a computer-assisted non-smoker!

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