Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

7 Powerful Language Patterns That Almost Instantly Hypnotize

Some people have trouble accepting just how powerful hypnotic language patterns really are.

That's their loss! Master these seven simple patterns, and you'll find it easy to hypnotize anybody, and effortlessly put people under your spell.

Embedded Commands

Slip a command into a perfectly innocent sentence, and it will be missed by the conscious mind, but followed by the unconscious.

"As you get a feel for these patterns, you may realize that they really are very good to use in your everyday life."

Cause - Effect.

"Because" is the most powerful word in the English language, because people like to have reasons for what they do.

Simply use this word (no matter what the reason is!) and you'll be amazed by how quickly people respond to you.

Tag Questions

Tag questions are great, aren't they?

By throwing a quick question (like 'aren't they?) onto the end of a statement, you blunt the command, so people accept what you say without feeling like you are in their face.

Conversational Postulates

This is just a fancy term for something you use all the time, anyway.

"Can you close the window," for example, is an example of a conversational postulate. This is a way to phrase commands as questions, and get people to do what you want without realizing it.

Lack of referential index

This is another fancy NLP term for something that is really very simple.

If you make a general statement without attaching it to a specific person or object, people will naturally and unconsciously assume that, at some level, it applies to them.

"People can learn hypnotic language patterns very quickly, can't they"

Phonological Ambiguity

In comedy, these are simply called puns.

When a word sounds the same but has two seperate meanings, you can use it to send powerful subliminal messages without being caught.

A common sales example is to simply say "by now you may have realized just how great this product is."

Notice the ambiguity on the phrase 'by now' to also mean 'buy now.'

The Linguistic Bridge

Persuasive language is elegant language. The more smooth and fluid your sentences is become, the more influential you will be.

Use words like 'and' 'because' 'causes' and 'which means' to effortlessly tie your ideas together in a powerful flow.

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