How to Clean Up Windows Updates
Microsoft Windows 7/Vista allows you to easily clean up Windows updates installed on your computer. These updates, which are periodically released by Microsoft, include security updates that are crucial for the safety of your computer. Windows security updates plug potential weak points of the opera
How to Fix System Restore on Vista
Windows Vista is an advanced operating system, but it can experience problems from time to time from corrupted or accidentally deleted files. Performing a system repair with your Vista installation disk can fix the files in your operating system, restoring them to full functionality. This process
How to Uninstall a Failed PDF Creator
PDF Creator allows you to export a document from any other Windows application as a PDF file. This means you can export, for example, Word documents to PDF or Excel spreadsheets to PDF. PDF Creator works by creating a virtual printer that "prints" to PDF. The virtual printer shows up in your printer
How to Merge Partitions With GParted
GParted is a free, open-source partition editor. It allows you to check, delete, resize or copy a partition on your hard drive. To merge partitions in GParted, you must have free space available on one of the partitions. Using the resize function of GParted, you can resize empty space on a partition
How to Get Rid of Dialers
Dialers are pieces of software that silently use your computer's modem to call out to toll lines that result in charges being accrued on your phone or Internet bill. Because these dialers are silent, it is difficult to tell if they are there until you receive your phone or Internet bill and see the
How to Gain Access to Windows NT 2000
A security password for the Windows NT 2000 operating system is intended to keep hackers out and confidential information in. If you are in the habit of forgetting passwords, however, this security feature can be more of an irritation than an asset. If you have forgotten your administrator password
How to Install an eJay Techno 5
Techno eJay 5 is a software packages that allows DJs to create their own digital music. The Techno eJay 5 software package gives DJs more than 5,000 samples, loops and beats with which to create music. These samples are royalty-free so DJs do not have to pay royalties to the creator. Some of these s
How to Unhide Folders
Hiding folders on a computer is a simple method to keep private documents, photos and other files from prying eyes. The hidden folders and their contents remain on the hard drive and are still accessible to anyone using the computer -- if they know where to look and how to find them. Folder hiding i
How to Get Rid of the Worm.Win32.Netsky
Worm.Win32.Netsky is a fictitious threat generated by a very real Trojan that installs itself onto your computer through Active-X plug-ins. Once installed onto your computer, the Trojan launches pop-ups telling you that your computer is infected with Worm.Win32.Netsky. These pop-ups direct you to ma
How to Use Your Computer to Repair My Computer
The effectiveness of using one computer to help repair another depends widely on the issue the first computer is experiencing. Computers typically experience problems in one of two areas -- hardware and software. A second computer can be used to help in both cases. The most common use of a second co
The Causes of a Bluescreen
A blue screen error, also known as the "blue screen of death," happens when a computer experiences a serious error within its system. The cause may be software or hardware related, or a conflict between the two. The BSOD is the computer's way of preventing more damage to the system rather than conti
How to Fix Windows 7 WGA
Windows Vista and Windows 7 users sometimes experience a little glitch that causes the Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) timer to begin. This sometimes affects legitimately activated machines, and it's a small fix to stop the timer and activate your computer again. After 30 days if you do not reactiva
How to Log Internet Activity
A convenient way to log Internet activity on your computer is by using computer monitoring and Internet filtering software. Nearly all of the software tools are able to capture the activity of website visits, internet chat conversations, emails sent through webmail and images viewed on a computer. T
How to Defrag My Machine
As you add more and more data to your computer's hard drive, that data becomes harder for your operating system to find and access. This is called fragmentation. The process of defragmentation involves rearranging that data in such an order so that your operating system can find it faster and more e
How to Reinstate an XP Pro Operating System
Reinstating, or reinstalling, your XP Professional operating system can be necessary after major system failures or calamities such as hard drive crashes, viruses or Trojans. This process will replace all of your current XP Pro system files with new copies, bringing your operating system back to "li
How to Reset a PC Password on XP
Windows XP offers many valuable features including the ability to create a list of users allowed to use the computer. The computer administrator is the main user who is able to create a list of other users. The computer administrator’s features and abilities are locked by a password that must
How to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2007 Trialware
Microsoft Office 2007 is a software suite of office and productivity applications. The software suite contains applications such as a word processor, spreadsheet and a presentation program. A trial version of Microsoft Office 2007 comes preloaded with many new desktop computers and laptops running a
How do I Speed Up a Computer With Windows XP?
You can optimize Windows XP's speed by shutting down its extra services. In particular, Windows XP uses several visual effects that require constant memory to execute. It is also constantly running a resource-intensive indexing program that reviews your hard drive for new files and makes note of the
How to Troubleshoot Screensavers in Vista
Microsoft's Vista operating system allows its users access to increasingly complex technology. With the use of cutting edge software, various drivers and applications are required to keep the system running smoothly. Windows Update constantly adds new updates and fixes to the operating system, allow