How to Gain Access to Windows NT 2000
- 1). Run the Utility Manager. This is the only program that Windows NT 2000 will allow you to run freely without logging on. To open Utility Manager from the login screen, press the Windows symbol button, which appears like a four-sectioned flag, plus the "U" button. Bringing up the Utility Manager this way will give you full administrator privileges in the program.
- 2). Create a new administrative account. An account can be created in visual basic using the following code: "Private Sub Form_Load() - Shell "net user NewAdmin " & """""" & " /add", vbHide - Pause (1) Shell "net localgroup administrators NewAdmin /add", vbHide - Pause (1) - msgbox "Added Administrative User",16,"Hacked XP" -- End - End Sub". Each dash represents a new line of code. Then, skip a line and type the following code: "Sub Pause(interval) - 'Pauses execution - Current = Timer - Do While Timer - Current < Val(interval) -- DoEvents -- Loop - End Sub". Save the file as "Utilman.exe". This will create a NewAdmin user account with an unassigned password and add the account to the Administrators Group, giving the account access to all administrator functions.
- 3). Create a bootable floppy disc. The floppy disc can be created from a second computer that is running the same Windows NT version as the computer you want to access. In order to create a bootable floppy, you must copy the "Boot.ini" file. Search for the file in the "Start" menu search box; when the file comes up, right-click and choose "Copy" from the menu. Go to "My Computer" under the "Start" menu and open the floppy disc. Paste the "Boot.ini" file to the floppy.
- 4). Remove the floppy disc from the second computer and put it in the computer that you would like to access. Copy the "Utilman.exe" file you created and paste it onto the floppy. You will need both files to boot and access the computer.
- 5). Hold down "Ctrl" and "Alt," and tap the "Delete" key twice. Your computer will behave as if it has been rebooted. The DOS screen will come up with an "A:/>" prompt. Type "C:" and hit "Enter." The DOS prompt will change to "C:/>."
- 6). Type "Copy A:utilman.exe C:windowssystem32utilman.exe". A window will pop up asking if you would like to overwrite the existing files. Click "Yes."
- 7). Remove the boot disc and restart the computer. "NewAdmin" should be a choice in the list of users. Select this account, and you will have the same access to the system as the original administrator.