How to Troubleshoot Screensavers in Vista
- 1). Access Microsoft's Windows Update application. On your computer, open the "Start" menu by clicking on the Windows logo at the bottom left portion of your screen. In the search pane, enter in "Windows Update."
- 2). Search for the required update to fix the problem. In your Windows Update application, select the option entitled "Check For Updates" in a column located in the left of the window. Upon completion, refer to the middle of the window. Click on the link that says "Optional Updates Are Available." Search for the update entitled "Microsoft HID Non-User Input Data Filter." Upon finding it, click on the box to the left of the update.
- 3). Download the update. Select "OK," located at the bottom of the window. Refer to the section with the header "Download And Install Your Selected Updates." Click on the option entitled "Install Updates" at the bottom of the section. Allow several minutes for the software to download. Upon completion, restart your PC.
- 4). View your Vista screensavers. Access the Appearance and Personalization section of the computer. Right click anywhere on the desktop, and select the "Personalization" option. Select the section that says, "Change The Screensaver." In the new window, select a screensaver, and the amount of minutes of idle time before it boots up. Select "Apply" to save the changes made to the screensaver. Wait the required minutes, and view the screensaver.