How to Lay out Scrap Strip
Quilting requires yards upon yards of fabric, but once you've cut the pieces you're going to use for a specific quilt, you are likely to have scraps. Don't just throw those strips of scrap away, put them aside for use in a later quilt; you paid for the fabric after all. Once your bin of scraps has g
Pom-Pom Spider Crafts
Craft pom poms, glue, wiggly eyes, black wire and chenille sticks make great little crafty spiders. Craft pom poms come in a variety of colors and can be bought in packages of assorted sizes or as single pom poms. Most spider pom pom crafts are fun and easy to make and take less than 30 minutes.
Information on Photography
Photography manipulates light to capture images. The main purpose of photography is to preserve a moment of time. Many people enjoy photography as a hobby, and it can also be a lucrative career.
Fake Flower Crafts
Use fake flowers to create long-lasting, beautiful arrangements.fake flower image by Vinicius Tupinamba from Fotolia.comFake flower decorations eliminate the chore and expense of replacing real flowers every time they wilt and die. Synthetic flowers have come a long way, sometimes...
How to Configure Block & Tackle
Pulleys are generally used for lifting, especially when combined in "blocks," in which a series of pulleys share the same axle. Two blocks used in conjunction can reduce the amount of force required for a lifting task. One block attaches to some immobile support while the other attaches to the load.
How to Make Something Mold Within a Day
Though mold is recognizable far and wide as a sign of bad food, it still presents interesting scientific phenomena to experimenters. Mold can grow on food from microscopic spores that exist in the air we breathe. Though some mold can be dangerous to breathe, others are harmful only when swallowed. T
How to Make a Barn Out of Cardboard
This fun and easy project is a great one to share with your youngsters. They'll love creating their very own toy barn playhouse for their plastic or stuffed animals and dolls. The bonus is that it probably won't cost you anything to make it. You're likely to already have everything you need around t
How the Lemon Battery Works
Setup of the Lemon BatteryA lemon battery requires an acidic fruit (lemon), a penny, a piece of zinc or a steel paper clip, two wires and a voltage meter. Two slits in the lemon hold the penny and and piece of zinc, each wrapped in their own wire. The ends of these wires connect to a...
Free Ladybug Paper Crafts
"Eww, a ladybug!" is a sentence we just never hear. Those tiny red insects with even tinier black spots seem to get a pass in the bug world; no one dislikes a ladybug. In springtime when the ladybugs are plentiful is a good time to teach children about ladybugs or about life cycles using the pupatin
How to Design a Corsage
A corsage is a tiny bouquet of flowers that can be worn on the wrist or pinned to the chest. Corsages are traditionally worn by mothers and grandmothers of the bride at weddings and by the girls at a dance. A corsage is intricately designed with flowers that match the overall event, dress and season
How to Make a Brain Mold
Whether you need a theater prop or a Halloween decoration, you can create your own brain mold using liquid silicone. This silicone comes in a pair of bottles that, when mixed together, harden into a flexible rubbery mold over an object. Companies produce many different kinds of liquid silicone, each
How to Get the Right Color Using Powdered Tempera Paint
Purchasing tempera paints in powdered form is an economical alternative for schools, church groups and crafters. Traditionally tempra paint pigments were mixed with egg yolks to make a thick opaque paint, but modern tempra powder only needs to be mixed with water. It is mixed with equal parts water
How to Make Your Own Hibachi Cooktop
A hibachi, or "fire bowl" in English, traditionally consists of a small kettle with a wire grate on top. You can fill the kettle with wood or charcoal for cooking as you would on any outdoor grill. To make your own hibachi cooktop, head to the home and garden center for supplies. Once you
How to Make Strikethrough Color
If you want to a create a line running horizontally through your Web page text, use the "text-decoration" property to create a strikethrough effect. This lets you show changes made to your text without deleting the old text. For a more dramatic look, you can also change the color of the strikethroug
How to Knit a Bag on a Round Loom
Knitting on a loom is a better choice than knitting needles for people who have arthritis or hand injuries. Some people also find it easier to keep the stitches on a loom than on needles. You can create many projects by knitting on a loom, including bags. The following steps create a small bag that
How to Make a Salt Lick for Deer
If you are interested in wildlife, deer hunting, wildlife photography or wildlife management, you might consider making a salt lick for deer. By providing salt, which is a mineral essential to the health of deer, you assist in the overall health of your local deer herd. Very little expenditure and l
Cheap Crafts for Kids to Use at Cheer Camps
There are many options for affordable, do-it-yourself cheer camp accessories.cheer learder image by Photoeyes from Fotolia.comCheer camp is often the highlight of the summer for young boys and girls. Cheer coaches, sponsors, parents and even the cheerleaders themselves might enjoy making...
How to Make Your Own Marker Stones
Marker stones provide a simple alternative to commercially produced signs and markers. Rustic, economical and attractive, markers made from stones work very well to label plants in gardens and to mark the graves of deceased pets. Creating them is also an excellent project to work on with children. B
How to Make Easy & Simple Jewelry Boxes
Almost every woman, no matter her age, has at least one jewelry box. Whether it holds special keepsakes that you never wear, a large variety of frequently used pieces or simply the few decorations you wear every day, a jewelry box protects and keeps its contents safe. It also looks neater and more d
How to Design My Own Hijab
In the strictest sense, hijab refers to the modest dress worn by women, including the headscarf and loose clothing covering everything but the hands. However, in English-speaking countries, hijab has come to refer exclusively to the headscarf, known in Arabic as the khimaar. While the method of wrap