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How to Make a Salt Lick for Deer

    • 1). Locating an old tree stump in the ground. A good position for a salt lick is close to a feeder, near a deer trail or near a watering place. Clear any surrounding brush and small saplings so that a good view can be had of your salt lick from your blind or tree stand. Rake away leaves and debris in a 5-ft. radius around the stump.

    • 2). Pour two 50-lb. bags of salt directly on the top and around the roots of the stump. Some of the salt can be spread or scattered within the cleared zone. Rains will disolve the salt so that it permeates the soil.

    • 3). After the salt lick has been established for several years, add dirt back to the site. Deer actually eat the earth, and do not merely lick the soil.

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