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How to Install a Java Application Vendor

    • 1). Check the proxy settings on your browser. Some Java vendors require you to access online modules while installing the software. Launch Internet Explorer and click "Tools," then "Internet Options." Select "Settings" in the "Connection" tab. View your proxy server settings, which are supplied by your network administrator. Remove the check mark labeled "Use a Proxy Server," in order to access the Internet directly.

    • 2). Download and install the Java Offline Bundle.

    • 3). Turn off your download manager software, which is located in the Windows system tray on the right side of the task bar, usually as a small, green icon. If you have a download management program, an icon shows in your Windows task bar. Right-click the icon and select "Close" to shut down the manager.

    • 4). Double-click the Java vendor's "setup.exe" file on your computer, which is located in the "C:\java" directory. This starts the installation wizard for your software. Select "I agree" on the vendor's license agreement window and click "Next." Save the files to the default directory and click "OK."

    • 5). Click "Install" to install the Java vendor application.

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