Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Uninstall ViaVoice

    • 1). Insert the ViaVoice CD into your computer's disc drive. When the Windows prompt menu appears on the screen, close the window.

    • 2). Go to "Start" and click on "My Computer." Next, double-click on the CD-ROM drive. A list of the CD files will appear on the screen.

    • 3). Locate "viaclean_us" and double-click on the file. Click "Yes" to proceed with the removal process. You will be asked whether or not you want to keep your ViaVoice user directories. Click "No" to completely remove the ViaVoice directory files from your hard drive. ViaVoice will begin uninstalling the software.

    • 4). Click "OK" when the "ViaVoice Clean has completed successfully" box appears on the screen.

    • 5). Reboot your computer to complete the process.

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