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How to Logon As an Administrator on XP Home

    • 1). Click the "Start" menu, click the "Control Panel," and then click "User Accounts" to launch the User Accounts control panel.

    • 2). Locate your user name. If you see "Limited account," it means you are logged on to a guest account. If you see "Computer administrator," it means you are logged on as the administrator.

    • 3). Click the "Start" menu, click "Logoff," and then click "Switch User" if you are logged on to a limited account. You should see the Welcome screen.

    • 4). Press "CTRL," "ALT," and "DELETE" together. The "Log On to Windows" dialog box launches. Type "Administrator" (without quotes) in the "Username" box, and then type your password in the "Password." Leave the password box empty if you have not created an administrator password. Click "OK" to logon to your computer as the administrator.

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