Get Your Ex Back - The Pet Name Game
You have probably never thought of using pet names to get your ex back. The thought of using such endearing terms to get your ex back probably hasn't crossed your mind in light of your breakup, But honey, baby, sweetie, and names like these are pet names that you probably used when you were with your ex. No doubt you have others that you used when times were more intimate. I want to share with you a powerful technique that you can use when the time is right that you can use you to get your ex back in your loving arms once again.
You might think that you will never have the chance to use such loving pet names with your ex ever again but there is a firm possibility that there will come a day very soon, if you are patient, when you will talk with your ex either over the phone or in person. Slipping "babe" or "hun" into your conversation will have a powerful almost subliminal psychological effect on your ex and can be a killer tool that is proven to break down the wall that they have put up.
Most people have a weakness to pet names and they are extremely useful in almost all areas of your life if you know how to use them properly. At work they can be helpful in bonding between coworkers, if used carefully, that can boost morale and cause a coworker to go above and beyond what they might normally do for a coworker. In a loving relationship using pet names is usually an important milestone that everyone waits for and signifies a special intimacy in both partner's lives. Everybody likes to feel special and pet names make the listener feel unique and liked... and people tend to like people who like us. If we are special to someone that person tends to become special to us. This is human nature.
So, how can you use some of the familiar pet names that you used with your ex to your benefit to get your ex back? There are a couple of ways that you shouldn't use pet names so you won't appear to be manipulative. Those "special" pet names like "sugar lips" or "beautiful" or "handsome" should be reserved for a later date. Attempts to use these "over the top" pet names that are unique to your relationship will probably send up a red flag and should be avoided until you are just about back together. No doubt, these do have their time and place and are the pet names that your ex will eventually be begging to hear when you are successful in breaking down your their defenses.
A good example of the kind of pet names that you should be using are such words as "hun", "honey", "baby", "babe" or if you had a nickname that you used for them, like "Robbie" or "Rob" or "Lizzy" for "Elizabeth". These pet names can be slipped into a conversation almost unnoticed and if confronted you can always either says "what?" and deny you ever said them or say that it was just an old habit that's going to be hard to break. You should try to work them into your conversation at times when your ex will be a little off guard as they are listening and comprehending what you are saying as that little "pet name" arrow is shot right into their heart. An example of this would be, "Oh Lizzy, I have to tell you! I ran into that girl who's friends with your mother the other day at the grocery store and she was so huge I thought she was pregnant! Hun, you really have to call your mother and find out for me if she's pregnant for me. I'm still not sure and I laid awake last night wondering if I should have congratulated her or not. I just don't know. Just don't tell her that I thought she was pregnant... please?"
The key to using pet names to your advantage is to slip them into your conversation so they will go almost unnoticed. Sometimes a person's nickname can be used at the beginning of a sentence but typically you will want to use all pet names in the middle or between two sentences. Everybody likes to hear their name, especially a nickname that is familiar and is used only by close friends. A pet name is just one step beyond that.
Using pet names is a very effective way to recreate the familiarity and the connection that you and your ex shared and ultimately get your ex back. Their use may not immediately bring your ex running back to you but they are a small yet powerfully effective tool that you can use to break down the wall that your ex has built. Pet names are just one of many in an arsenal of psychological tricks that you can use to help get your ex back but are, none the less, one of the more effective ones that you can use to remind your ex of happier times that you shared together. No doubt, they will walk away from your conversation feeling something a little different for you that they might not have felt in a while and hopefully they will want more of. And that's what we're shooting for... the connection, intimacy and love that the two of you shared.
To learn more tricky ways to get your ex back we recommend The Ex Back System. Go to the Ex Back System Homepage and find out more effective tips and tricks to help you get your ex back.
You might think that you will never have the chance to use such loving pet names with your ex ever again but there is a firm possibility that there will come a day very soon, if you are patient, when you will talk with your ex either over the phone or in person. Slipping "babe" or "hun" into your conversation will have a powerful almost subliminal psychological effect on your ex and can be a killer tool that is proven to break down the wall that they have put up.
Most people have a weakness to pet names and they are extremely useful in almost all areas of your life if you know how to use them properly. At work they can be helpful in bonding between coworkers, if used carefully, that can boost morale and cause a coworker to go above and beyond what they might normally do for a coworker. In a loving relationship using pet names is usually an important milestone that everyone waits for and signifies a special intimacy in both partner's lives. Everybody likes to feel special and pet names make the listener feel unique and liked... and people tend to like people who like us. If we are special to someone that person tends to become special to us. This is human nature.
So, how can you use some of the familiar pet names that you used with your ex to your benefit to get your ex back? There are a couple of ways that you shouldn't use pet names so you won't appear to be manipulative. Those "special" pet names like "sugar lips" or "beautiful" or "handsome" should be reserved for a later date. Attempts to use these "over the top" pet names that are unique to your relationship will probably send up a red flag and should be avoided until you are just about back together. No doubt, these do have their time and place and are the pet names that your ex will eventually be begging to hear when you are successful in breaking down your their defenses.
A good example of the kind of pet names that you should be using are such words as "hun", "honey", "baby", "babe" or if you had a nickname that you used for them, like "Robbie" or "Rob" or "Lizzy" for "Elizabeth". These pet names can be slipped into a conversation almost unnoticed and if confronted you can always either says "what?" and deny you ever said them or say that it was just an old habit that's going to be hard to break. You should try to work them into your conversation at times when your ex will be a little off guard as they are listening and comprehending what you are saying as that little "pet name" arrow is shot right into their heart. An example of this would be, "Oh Lizzy, I have to tell you! I ran into that girl who's friends with your mother the other day at the grocery store and she was so huge I thought she was pregnant! Hun, you really have to call your mother and find out for me if she's pregnant for me. I'm still not sure and I laid awake last night wondering if I should have congratulated her or not. I just don't know. Just don't tell her that I thought she was pregnant... please?"
The key to using pet names to your advantage is to slip them into your conversation so they will go almost unnoticed. Sometimes a person's nickname can be used at the beginning of a sentence but typically you will want to use all pet names in the middle or between two sentences. Everybody likes to hear their name, especially a nickname that is familiar and is used only by close friends. A pet name is just one step beyond that.
Using pet names is a very effective way to recreate the familiarity and the connection that you and your ex shared and ultimately get your ex back. Their use may not immediately bring your ex running back to you but they are a small yet powerfully effective tool that you can use to break down the wall that your ex has built. Pet names are just one of many in an arsenal of psychological tricks that you can use to help get your ex back but are, none the less, one of the more effective ones that you can use to remind your ex of happier times that you shared together. No doubt, they will walk away from your conversation feeling something a little different for you that they might not have felt in a while and hopefully they will want more of. And that's what we're shooting for... the connection, intimacy and love that the two of you shared.
To learn more tricky ways to get your ex back we recommend The Ex Back System. Go to the Ex Back System Homepage and find out more effective tips and tricks to help you get your ex back.