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The True Mother of Love With God"s Grace Upon Her

O Mother of love how can I possibly express my love and passion for you for all that you have done.
From time as far back as I can remember you were always there.
With open arms and love in your heart you were there from the very start.
When I first started to walk with those little wobble legs and climbing all around, you were always there when I fell down.
From the time I started school and right on into maturity, you were there for my security.
When I brought my friends over to play with me you treated them with love as if they were your own, and you always managed to watched over them 'till the time when they went home.
You made me feel so very special for the way you watched over my friends and that is where it came to me I had a true mother to the very end.
Even when I got into trouble and didn't know what to do you were there to set me straight until you saw things through.
You would take time to teach me all God's given ways with the hope that it would guide me through the good and troublesome days.
You are looked upon as the mother with love because you took the time to teach me that all good things come from high above.
You taught me how important God's grace is in ones life, to receive His blessing is a joyful delight and this should never leave my sight.
I now understand how great God is for He gave his only Son so that I may live.
If it were not for you my mother of love I would have never come to the understanding that came from the God above.
Because of you I now know what to do.
I take the time to study all God's ways because you were right mother it is the way for every day.
I wake up in the morning with a heart full of love waiting for God to guide me as if on the wings of a dove.
I wait passively without resistant for God to direct my footsteps to His desired distance.
No matter how rough the waters become God has a special way to deal with it so I don't get over run.
He has a way to smooth out my path with the guarantee that I'll never come in last.
With God's grace upon me I now walk smoothly with grace and never have to run to win a race.
He watches over me day and night and causes me to never loose my sight.
I go to sleep without a worry for God will always be my glory.
I praise our majesty powerful God with thanksgiving and love, with the hope I can enter His kingdom above.
O my mother of love, hear my words.
I now have children of my own and apply your principles in my home.
I now have this awesome opportunity to guide my children to God's grace as you did for me so they too may enter the gate without a disgrace.
Because of you not only being a true mother, but a very special mother with love, thoughtfulness, tenderness and care, because it was you that was always there.
Because you took the time to understand God's grace, look where we are at when we first enter this race.
We gain wisdom and knowledge along with understanding.
The treasure of God's Words because we accepted the discipline of our Lord.
We accepted it with great delight now our eyes are open to the big bright light.
We now have this awesome opportunity to pass the wisdom and knowledge that we receive through God's grace from one generation to the next so they too can have the very best.
Their eyes will be open and they too can join us in our rest, because they heard the words of the very best.
It all started with you.
The love of a mother that wanted the best for her children who was wise enough to understand God's grace so that we all my finish the race.
O mother I pray let God's blessings come upon you for all that you endure and let His grace shine on you for He is the Lord.
Let Him guide you through life with good health and when the time comes let Him take you home to His house.

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