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How to Make Him Fall in Love With You - 3 Tips to Make Any Guy Feel Like He"s Falling For You

The differences between what makes a man fall in love and what makes a woman fall in love can be tough to figure out, but that's exactly what you need to do if you want to make a man fall in love with you.
See, a lot of women make the mistake of thinking that the things that they hold dear are the same things that will win over a guy, and lots of times, that could not be further from the truth.
If you want to know how to make a guy fall in love, then you have to understand what men really want from a woman.
Here are 3 tips on how to make any man feel like he's falling in love with you: 1.
Make him feel as though he can confide most anything to you.
Establishing a really strong connection, one that is unique, that he cannot get elsewhere is key to making him fall for you.
Guys don't really have a lot of that, they don't have someone that they can be emotional and vulnerable with, and if he feels as though he can be this way with you...
that's a very good sign that he will end up feeling very much attracted and attached to you.
Make him feel as though he has to work for your attention, don't just give it to him freely.
People tend to take for granted when things come a little too easily to them, and if a guy feels as though he has won you over without having to do much, he'll start to take you for granted and lose that powerful feeling of being head over heels for you.
You need to be able to make him feel as though he must work for your attention, so that he keeps on coming back to you and never takes you for granted.
Give him the freedom that he needs, and he will be yours.
A lot of women make the mistake of feeling as though they have to latch on to a guy, especially when he's the one that they have been looking for.
That can be a big mistake, especially if you want to make him feel as though he is falling for you, because when a guy feels like he is being pressured or not being given any kind of freedom that he craves, he will look elsewhere.
You don't have to worry so much, many times he wants that freedom just to hang out with his buddies or watch a game on television without having a woman around.

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