Types of Seeds That Grow Into Plants
- Sunflowers are just one type of plant that comes from seeds.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Seeds are responsible for protecting and providing the embryonic plant with nutrients until it begins to mature. Seeds are often buried in soil and need a combination of sunlight and water to germinate and grow into a plant. While many different types of seeds grow into edible plants, others are poisonous or harmful. - Sweet peas are a flowering plant that can reach over 6 feet in height. Soaking the seeds overnight before planting can promote good growth, and they should be planted about 1 inch deep. These types of flowers are used in decorations in vases or baskets, and their petals may be red, purple and pink.
- Gardeners can choose whether they want to grow green beans from bush plants or bean poles, depending on the variety they use. Green bean bush plants grow between 1 to 2 feet in height, with the plants maturing within 50 days. Pole beans can reach heights in excess of 8 feet and mature within 65 days.
- Sunflowers are a fast-growing plant and that can grow up to 8 feet tall in six months. This plant is used to create birdseed, oil and other snacks. Sunflowers seeds are only about 5 millimeters in length and require a lot of sun. These flowers commonly have yellow blooms that are arranged in a spiral pattern.
- Pumpkins seeds need to grow in warm weather and require 110-140 days to mature. The seeds need at least six hours of direct sunlight each day and generally reach between 10-20 pounds in size and larger. Pumpkins are members of the squash family and are used in pumpkin bread, pumpkin pudding and pumpkin pie.
- Cosmos are an annual plant that range in height from 4 to 6 feet and have white, pink and lavender flowers. These plants can be grown in any type of region and are quick to germinate. While the plants can add an aesthetic element to a yard or garden, they also can be used in floral arrangements.