How Many Calories to Burn a Pound of Fat
A common question asked about losing weight is how many calories to burn one pound of fat! People tired of being overweight are starting to steer away from "quick fix" solutions, realizing there are better results and more enjoyment by getting involved with exercise or a physical activity, and eating a healthier diet.
Okay, so in summary, how many calories to burn a pound of fat - 3,500! However, it is important to understand what it would take to lose that one pound, putting this into perspective.
Consider that the average person eats a daily intake around 2,000 calories.
To lose a single pound, that person would need to go about a day and a half without eating.
Obviously, this option is not realistic or healthy.
However, to the question of how many calories to burn a pound of fat, if a person were to cut the 2,000 calorie intake down to 1,200 to 1,500 calories of the right food, coupled with exercise, then they are saving between 800 and 500 calories a day.
That means by the end of the week, the person would have the opportunity to lose one to two pounds, which is considered the healthiest goal.
The thing is that in addition to cutting back on food, especially unhealthy food, if the individual were to add exercise of physical activity into the daily regimen, even more calories would be spent, which results in a greater weight loss at the end of the week.
For example, if someone were to cut back to 1,500 calories and swim for one hour, which burns about 350 calories an hour, the daily intake is now 1,250 calories.
Most importantly when answering the question how many calories to burn a pound of fat is to do it the right way.
This does not mean depriving the body of food, simply eliminating fried, fatty, and processed foods, choosing instead to eat healthier by adding fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, legumes, and whole grains to the diet.
This alone will make a significant difference.
There are even some supplements on the market that can help by boosting the level of a person's metabolism.
Of course, this needs to be carefully monitored in that many of the products are worthless.
Then, getting involved with some type of cardio program is one of the most effective for burning fat, which could be hiking, biking, swimming, kickboxing, rock climbing, running, walking, and so on.
Therefore, when someone asks how many calories to burn a pound of fat, the answer is much easier to understand.
As with any good thing, losing weight takes time and persistence.
However, by not giving up and working hard toward the goal, amazing things can happen.
Okay, so in summary, how many calories to burn a pound of fat - 3,500! However, it is important to understand what it would take to lose that one pound, putting this into perspective.
Consider that the average person eats a daily intake around 2,000 calories.
To lose a single pound, that person would need to go about a day and a half without eating.
Obviously, this option is not realistic or healthy.
However, to the question of how many calories to burn a pound of fat, if a person were to cut the 2,000 calorie intake down to 1,200 to 1,500 calories of the right food, coupled with exercise, then they are saving between 800 and 500 calories a day.
That means by the end of the week, the person would have the opportunity to lose one to two pounds, which is considered the healthiest goal.
The thing is that in addition to cutting back on food, especially unhealthy food, if the individual were to add exercise of physical activity into the daily regimen, even more calories would be spent, which results in a greater weight loss at the end of the week.
For example, if someone were to cut back to 1,500 calories and swim for one hour, which burns about 350 calories an hour, the daily intake is now 1,250 calories.
Most importantly when answering the question how many calories to burn a pound of fat is to do it the right way.
This does not mean depriving the body of food, simply eliminating fried, fatty, and processed foods, choosing instead to eat healthier by adding fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish, legumes, and whole grains to the diet.
This alone will make a significant difference.
There are even some supplements on the market that can help by boosting the level of a person's metabolism.
Of course, this needs to be carefully monitored in that many of the products are worthless.
Then, getting involved with some type of cardio program is one of the most effective for burning fat, which could be hiking, biking, swimming, kickboxing, rock climbing, running, walking, and so on.
Therefore, when someone asks how many calories to burn a pound of fat, the answer is much easier to understand.
As with any good thing, losing weight takes time and persistence.
However, by not giving up and working hard toward the goal, amazing things can happen.